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    Seriously. That is seriously the main driving factor behind why Teslas were able to make a dent in the market.

    And they will then happily sell the company or leave with massive profits before it collapses.

    My old Tiger “Donkey Kong” 2-button LCD handheld game has a better track record.

    I feel it’s more of a disease from the 1800s that child workers got.
    “Aw dang, little Timmy got a case of the Polium. Time to break out the iron lung.”

    I’ll laugh if it then resembles the logo of the X-Box but with a P.

    It will be the only system that won’t be able to run Skyrim.

    I think they will pop something out their ass and call it a “system” for this crypto shitpile, but at least the Ouya actually had a game or two on it. I don’t think this dumb thing will have anything resembling a game.

    Overwatch Wii U

    Hell, even Mario Golf had a story mode.

    FF7 & Knuckles

    FF7 Remake was the first of this trilogy.

    Would say it’s more B4B in the characters. L4D the characters were all the same aside form looks. B4B had character classes, as does Redfall. That isn’t a bad thing, and if they can make a better game than B4B I would consider this a success.

    You mean Back 4 Blood?

    I actually returned it and got a refund. The $60 could be better spent elsewhere.

    That still doesn’t justify the $60 release cost. I can justify a lot, but this was really bad even for them.

    They really went pure bare bones with this game :( It’s depressing.

    Even shared a bed! Now thems some good friends!

    I’ll probably give it a try after they boot Kotick.

    I bet he pushed some random shitcoin too.

    They moved him from DX to the Vince Walk and a few other wrestling taunts. Nice!