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    Now all we need is Daisy to complete the Mario Sports awesomeness

    Tonky Hawk, the Garth Brooks skater game

    The ridiculousness of that game is finally being appreciated.

    Would it have helped if I put the numbers at 1 in 1000?

    Which is dumb, because the smart devs would buy the good mods and make them part of the game itself.

    I’ve never understood why game companies are so against modders.

    I wish I could believe you, but they do everything they can to prevent freakin’ Smash Bros from achieving all it can multiplayer wise. I am not sure they will give the online functions the love it will need.

    Is it really that hard to just say “no” when they go into the extras upsell they are actually required to say?

    As is Gamestop.

    Especially if said digital library is subject to the provider just saying “Nah we done” and turning it all off.

    That’s great. But what if I want the physical version?

    If you actually want to play the game, why not?

    And to be fair, it’s always entertaining to see hedge fund fuckwits get screwed over.

    That explains so much.

    All they have to do is add a couple other scenarios. Like matchmaking missions that allow you to rob a bank in a town (like more than just the 1 story mission). The horde modes are great. So combine having to rob a bank while police are bearing down on you as you make your escape (boat, train, wagon, etc) and boom,

    If theya re seriousoly having issues making scenarios, then they really need to hire some actual writers or move some writers away from GTA...

    Maybe it’s actually a garbage bucket, made for garbage?

    Price is Right Fail Horn.wav

    It’s now a game that’s decided by which team has the better DPS players rather than requiring some additional strategy.

    The the hard shift to being even more DPS friendly by increasing DPS speed and power, along with removing the 2nd tank and shifting them to be more bruiser than providing real defense, the healers are now even more of a target and now pretty much require an escape ability to have any chance at surviving the