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    Like, as nice as the improved lighting is... I actually like the PS4's graphics better since you can actually see things at a distance. Too much fog and whatnot can certainly take away from the visuals depending on the situation.

    99% sure it’s a combination of the pandemic completely mucking up the supply chain, in addition to scalpers absolutely ruining everything in terms of obtaining the stuff that does get made and shipped.

    I’m expecting full Disney explosion for Gold Saucer

    Must be fucking nice to get 2.8 mil from failing.

    They are cutting off their ears so they won’t have to listen to the inevitable deluge of rage that will come after they fail to meet the insane expectations.


    The moment they announced it I knew it was a game I couldnt stream haha

    Blizzard Classics Collection would have certainly sufficed

    I had to turn it off during that VA panel. Holy fuck was that a lot of cringe.

    Only the D4 Rogue warranted a big announcement out of the lot of it, and maybe the D2 remaster. Everything else had the flair and weight of a press release youtube video and tweet

    I’m just amazed that while they have full cinematics for a damn WoW patch content drop, they can’t be arsed to make a new one for OW2, their supposed next big release.

    “Metallica played a song”
    And Twitch had to immediately change the audio to avoid any DCMAs in an amazing amount of irony.

    The same reason people like having quests and missions in any MMO.

    Sometimes you just want to have fun with a character you created and form their own story, instead of being Arthur.

    They need more bank heists in RDO... Only one is a story mission. Should allow players to start one with a group.

    Like could make it a multiplayer pvp thing, with one group being cops and other being the robbers, or make it PvE where you can pick a side being either the ones doing the heist, or the ones recruited by

    If this leads to us being able to defeat Pearl, I’m for it. 

    Bah, the Eifel Tower just gained sentience and simply tripped while walking to the store down by Spain.

    Being that most people haven’t been able to upgrade to the Ps5 and the Xbox SeX, and the previous gen versions are a pile of dog farts with the bugs and the scalebacks, why would this be surprising to anyone?

    Wanna meet me in the Deeprun Tram? ;)

    Sapphire weapon, the only one to get no trial and loot.
    Want a shiny blue weapon? Well screw you!

    Sigh. I really hate how they could just constantly spam patent attempts on it until someone in that office caved in.