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    Be vewy vewy quiet, I’m hunting SOWLS!

    Ha ha ha ha ah ahahahaaaaa

    Elmer Fudd may have gotten possessed by a demon there...

    Asleep: Strip club bachelor party

    I’m actually interested to see how this choice will turn out. WoW is in a position that very few games have made it to. It’s actually feeling the strain of having too high of a level. You rarely see this as games either die off due to lack of play, or a sequel comes out that does the whole reset thing.
    If it succeeds,

    Um... I think you got your games mixed up there buddy... It ain’t Ivalice.

    Overwatch 2 was 100 percent the reason” for the sluggish Overwatch 1 updates, Kaplan said.

    Well no shit. Once it was announced the first thing I thought was “Well, there goes any chance for any good updates until it comes out”

    Won’t work. Hollywood is owned by their market.

    While I can understand why Mai isn’t in there, it is certainly hypocritical as Bayonetta and Zero Suit Samus are both there in their skin-tight glory.

    And lest we forget theres swimsuit Shulk, Solid Snake, Captain Falcon, and the glory that is Dedede also running wild.

    Trust the fungus.

    Don’t blame the poor person at the register when the company didn’t send enough.

    It’s not their fault.

    No Mr. L?

    Where’s that “I’m Sorry” south park clip...

    Of course, but it’s a good start.

    Major credit to the team behind the cinematic. Holy crap that was gruesome.

    Noone is expecting them to drop a merc group...
    It’s a matter of not kowtowing to the Chinese govt’s bullcrap lockdown on anything that isn’t 100% pro-China. They flat out went to make an example becasue Chinese business interests told them to.

    The fact that they outright told those gamergaters to screw off gives me a lot of hope. Good move by them.

    Question is, will they still release new characters before this expansion comes out?

    I’m surprised he didn’t give out pennies and then say he’s donating his salary to kids by doing this.

    Eh, this one could be worse. It could be pennies, or those red and white mints.

    The sad part is all that well-deserved negativity will be gone with a few game announcements.