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    They were saying Trooooomp. Troooomp!

    Fun little bonus fact. The one slated to throw out the first pitch Game 5 is a vocal critic of the angry one. One who reneged on plans to open up a restaurant in one of the towers because of the angry one’s twitter rants. The angry one is slated to arrive later on, so he couldn’t even be arsed to show up on time haha.

    Heres hoping a foul ball or a bat come rocketing his way, which he will blame on the Dems.

    Then yell on twitter how the Dems must have made baseballs too heavy and his throw was the best throw, the perfect throw.


    Well, whodathunk that would happen...

    I remember when doing this was considered ingenuitive.

    The simple solution.

    I wouldn’t say Bayonetta is for real gamers, but Fortnite is a hive of stupidity and little kids for sure.

    Guy is reaching PDP levels of annoyance and stupidity.

    “The specific views expressed by Blitzchung were NOT a factor in the decision we made,” wrote Brack. “I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision.”

    As much as I want to troll that channel, I really don’t want to give them any additional views.

    Music is actually the presidential theme.

    Bah. No creativity. At least throw in a Max Headroom or something.

    Cease and Desist in 3... 2... 1...

    Now this is someone who is good at smash. Not someone who says they are good at smash, but in reality is just good at Fox.

    Best mission in that whole game, if not the entire series.

    That video is always wonderful

    And the shitheads are just going to gobble this right up.

    Was wondering when they were going to find a fall guy. They didn’t expect the angry orange to admit to it so there wasn’t a prepared one in advance this time.

    They could get Skyrim to run on a damn refrigerator. They can get it to run on a PoS system.