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    Yea, probably should have added quotations to that one.

    Because the angry orange is THEIR guy, and white. 

    Won’t happen with Pelosi and Schumer leading the opposition party.

    “People like you”. Nice blanket statement there buddy. Seems like you’re getting a little upset that you’re on a losing argument and are now resorting to saying things like that in a desperate attempt to make what you say sound like the only true opinion. It’s not that hard to see through.

    The only “shifty weasel words prat” here is you and your word-a-day calendar there buddy. But, since your head is set in your own opinion, that of which being someone who can’t handle any opinion but your own as you go right to a pretty weak attempt at an insult, I’ll leave your “nonsense” at that; just nonsense.

    I do agree the housing situation needs more improvement (you should have seen the hell that was housing BEFORE they limited people to just one personal housing plot per account). But if that’s the main issue, then you are missing the mark on what makes the game good. Even in spite of some of the glaring quality of

    That’s actually one of the things I do like about the game. There ARE 100-200+ hours of things to do. Personally I wouldn’t want to be completely done with everything a game has to offer in a week. As I stated in my comment, there are times where it will feel like an absolute slog (specifically the mid levels from

    Housing isn’t hard to come by on the lower pop servers. But therein lies the issue I have with them too. Rather than just making additional wards when one fills, they cap the number of wards, and thus, cap the total number of houses. Their reasoning is that they want things to feel active and not just a pile of

    Yea, I forgot to mention cross play is limited to the data centers.

    Visiting is a pointless step, considering you still cant join the same FC, and if it’s congested, no visiting.

    The game is phenomenal, but there are some quality of life issues that people certainly need to be aware of. The inability to mail items to alt characters is particularly jarring for me because you can’t send in-game letters to people unless they are on your friends list (an anti-spam mail feature), and you can’t add

    It still amazes me in regards to the difficulty in joining friends who already play this game with the server lockouts. For all the good this game has, they sure do make it a hassle with extra steps when it comes to this if you play on a high pop server.

    You can really just feel how much work went into Amaurot. From the design to the music to the overall feel of the place... Absolutely fantastic.

    The “Stable Genius” everyone.

    The Boomers and pre-boomers’s of the world can’t stand not getting their way. Just ask anyone who has ever worked in the service industry.

    They have every right to be annoyed with Pelosi. All she is is the occasional snappy comment about the angry orange, and then more business as usual. She is unfit to actually push back against evil. Pelosi needs to go.

    This is the best expansion for this game yet.

    Try enough times, and eventually they will find a judge in their pocket to do so :/

    It’s his own thing. Midas Touch turns things to gold. Trump Touch turns things to shit and/or creepy.

    Why do people donate to sleazebags who already have way too much money from being a sleazebag?