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    Not tough, just a bully full of hot air. When actually challenged he runs to twitter.

    Eh, after a USA national team wins it all, a USA chant is fine.

    51 women, one crybaby, one brillo pad, and one douchey.

    Not gold enough, nor are they emblazoned with the angry orange’s name

    It’s why I found myself getting really into the Final Fantasy series.

    Emergency Kittens is wonderful.

    That was said about Germany too.


    Well, yea, of course. Like they can be a ways ahead of the game, or can trigger placements for then they come into sight. Perhaps have a prep timer before the players running the stage are released to set stuff up in the early area. Also would have limits on the amount of things to place at a time. Like no screen full

    Or kneel during the anthem.

    I thought they jingled spray painted gold keys in front of him to get him to the next room.

    I do kinda wish they had a “Daffy Duck vs the Animator” type of mode, where the player needs to survive as long as they can as the animator constantly drops nonsense into the stage.

    Script kiddies coming home from day camp DDoSing the servers :/

    She’s done her homework. That’s really Booker’s only main dark spot.

    She really should be the frontrunner in this mess of candidates, followed by Booker and Harris...

    Before Ellsbury, it was Carl Pavano.

    Well, they are still winning games against all those injury odds thanks to all-star performances by their B team.

    My question is... why bring up Tauchman again instead of Frazier? Stanton was an OF, so it would make sense to bring up their best OF in the minors in Frazier...

    Nintendo lawyers sending a notice to this article to cease and desist defamation ins 3... 2... 1...

    To be honest, that should be everyone’s mood when watching this thing.