I've covered this before http://oppositelock.jalopnik.com/a-good-riddanc…
I've covered this before http://oppositelock.jalopnik.com/a-good-riddanc…
Two spring to mind immediately.
If you have family and friends coming over for the holidays, there's a good chance they'll be looking to connect to…
...I don't see why it's a negative thing. It looks nice, it's easy to use, its unique. If you can't figure this out, you shouldn't be allowed within 20 feet of a bicycle, let alone a car.
Do it anyway!
According to the wolf of Wall Street book you could get an Aston Martin with several bond like items back in the 80s. The book said it had a thing that would drop out nails and tacks on the road and I can't remember what else it had, but I remember him saying that the added features were cool but caused electrical…
We should do a "10 Best Cars To Sleep It Off In".
Buster thought about the day came into being. Thunder rolled and lightning flashed outside the workshop. His creator flitted manically around the garage, connecting cables, filling fluids. "AAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA" he cackled. "Man," he said. "I love the IT Crowd." He closed his laptop, stopped watching Netflix,…
As a guy who likes looking and taking photos out the window (sunsets, interesting cloud formations, weird looking irrigated crop circles, aerial views of cities, coastlines, rivers, Manhattan skyline, sunsets, etc) I'm very glad this isn't likely to come into effect.
For whatever reason, text expansion isn't working the google keyboard if it starts with @ or #.
That's a smart system, but man is that story scary! I would definitely freak out at somebody just in my house like that.
If you're exercising, commuting, or just killing a little time, a good podcast can be a great companion. The best…
This week on the podcast we’re talking about all the bugs in iOS 7, time saving Android shortcuts you should be…
That will happen sort of. Since robots will do everything, everything will become extremely much cheaper, nearly free.
My favorite is to stick it on a sidewalk with construction adhesive and videotape the thieves that try to steal it.