Sounds like an Aliexpress product description
Sounds like an Aliexpress product description
One of the issues though, would be the petroleum degrading. It would likely go off in less then a few years, so you would need an alternative, or hoard a lot that has been stabilized.
Bonus feature of the Citroen 2CV, it can be turned into a motorcycle if it breaks down.
Maybe to keep content on board the aircraft (ie a server) and make it accessible over a local wifi network? I don't know, i'm just guessing. But that would eliminate some weight of individual screens built into the seats, as passengers would be able to use their own devices with the airlines content.
I like this video, it's made by an electrical engineer. Very informative
I like this video, it's made by an electrical engineer. Very informative
In Canada, PC brand is usually good...
Use tasker to add a widget to launch the daydream application (acessable through the launch app menu)
My school has those laptops... They still have a serial port.
What is the link, I want to see this
Haha, like the it crowd refrence
I have Doubletwist alarm for android, I got it for 25cents for a Google Play event