Goldang hippie, yer spose to fuck yer SISTER!!
Goldang hippie, yer spose to fuck yer SISTER!!
Guy is simply registering his displeasure that the Ole Miss accepts tax money to operate instead of letting the invisible hand of the market deciding which universities should flourish.
After the game, the fan will go back to his home that he pays for through a government-backed mortgage. He’ll drive on roads his taxes pay for. However, many other states’ residents also pay for Mississippi roads because Mississippi takes in more tax revenue than it provides for itself. So he can’t even lean on the…
“Fuck you, communist mother fucker.”
Need stricter emissions standards.
This chonky cat makes me Remember late-era Andres Galarraga. Thank you for this laser focused sports content.
It struck me that he’s at a game being played by so many Latinos that maybe we are good enough to play for him, but not good enough to sit near him.
I can’t wait to play “platitudes” bingo when he’s outed by the internet. Any bets on what he does for a living? I’m going with cop.
Talk about living in a bubble. You KNOW this guy thinks that it is totally acceptable behavior because his president and all his friends are cool with racism.
And he went with the *red* Rangers cap. Yahtzee!
He has definitely told people that all lives matter.
I’m beginning to wonder. It sounds as though these monsters take pleasure knowing they are tormenting young human beings. There is something already fundamentally wrong and evil about these “agents.” I don’t think they suffer from burn-out or compassion-fatigue. I think they enjoy destroying innocence, from the minute…
Of course Winnie the Pooh is a rapist in this timeline. Of course.
Channel 7 is the sort of channel that happily gives outright racists like Pauline Hanson a platform on their popular breakfast show all the time and then does a ‘what? who us?’ when Christchurch happens and the chickens come home to roost
It’s an iconic photo of an extremely famous Australian rules footballer named Ted Whitten. His nickname was Mr. Football, and there’s a statue of him in that pose outside of a stadium in Melbourne that’s named after him, so I think it looks familiar to anybody who cares about Aussie rules.
Channel Seven seems like the kind of place that would "solve" the problem of sexual harrassment in the workplace by firing all the good-looking secretaries and interns.
They still haven’t figured out how that happened, either, because moranism is an inherited trait.
A white supremacist with yellow fever. He’s clearly had an Asian fetish for a long time. I’m guessing he found a nice Filipino mail order bride and moved to the Philippines to avoid having to interact with annoying white women who want to have things like opinions and rights.