so is Ted Cruz
She did later tweet about how if Cruz had spent a few years growing up in Canada he would’ve been less of a dingbat about universal healthcare
When you come from a position of privilege, being treated like everyone else seems like persecution.
Because she’s quirky and fun!!1!
I’ve heard that Tom Cruise is exceptionally nice and outgoing on movie sets, going out of his way to introduce himself to crew members and learn their names. It’s actually kind of irritating how nice people say he is. His religion is completely fucked up, but by all accounts, he’s a really nice guy.
Vaughn is a libertarian-republican. He has complained about having to be “PC.” he has a TV deal with Glenn Beck.
“Profoundly intelligent”?
ok but seriously, who are these women who are voluntarily sleeping with josh duggar?!
I’m pretty sure it’s because she has a, like, 7th grade education. She knows her strengths and speaking candidly and intelligently in public / for the public ain’t one of them.
The fascinator one is a little odd, but is she a person who cares a lot about fashion? Maybe she’s trying to show excitement in her own way by speaking about these accessories. As in, I saw this fascinator and it made me think of your wedding! And I’ve never had anywhere special enough to wear this fur, but your…
If I were Jennifer Aniston, I would do everything in my power to get married and have a kid in secret. Like, Clint Barton style secret family. And then, when my kid was 18, I’d go out in public near some paparazzi, and when they asked who he/she was, I’d be like “Oh, that’s my kid. You know, Sam? Did you not know I’m…
Robin Williams’ widow is a really terrible human being.
What the hell does your age have to do with loving cake? You’ll take my birthday cake out of my cold dead hands on my 101st birthday, when I die fighting some other bitch at the rest home for the corner piece, because that’s where all the icing’s at. THREE SURFACES OF FROSTING.
Text from my mom, a former hippie: “That narcissist friend-collected Joan Mother Fucking Baez. SHUT IT DOWN.”
Julia’s current husband (which the tabloids say is soon to be an ex-husband) was married to a woman named Vera when he and Julia began having an affair. When Vera didn’t divorce Danny as quickly as Julia wanted her to, Julia was photographed in a t-shirt emblazoned with “a low Vera”. A real bitch move in my opinion.…