
People attacked Bernie constantly in 2016 for running against a woman. He said a lot of people would prefer to elect a woman this time, that is true a lot of people would, he also said a lot of people would prefer someone younger I don’t think it is any secret a lot of people would prefer someone younger. So what is

No, it’s not all he said. I previously complimented Emily on her writing, saying she doesn’t belong at Jezebel. I see I was wrong. This article is malicious clickbait.

Game recognize game

Have you considered that you are both weird? I mean not New Hampshire weird, but certainly not normal. 

“Let me start off by saying it’s an interesting hairdo,”

I sometimes talk to people about how I can rewatch films and even whole TV shows regularly and that I will often read the plots of movies and shows on Wikipedia prior to seeing them. Lots of people think I’m insane.

Exactly. I PVR most of the sports I watch, and it’s up to me to not go anywhere on the internet that might spoil a game or race for me. It’s an astonishing level of entitlement some people have, thinking 8 billion people should cater to their desires.

Being a fan is not an experience a brand or a creator gets to dictate.

At the end of the day, most people who complain about spoilers aren’t willing to make the necessary changes/sacrifices to their lifestyle to avoid them. They expect everyone else to accommodate them. If you truly, truly do not want to be spoiled, you have to be willing to avoid the internet, avoid talking to people

I agree with you 100%. I know I’m not going to see the Avengers movie for a while and it’s ridiculous for me to think that people who were genuinely about having seen it don’t want to talk about it on social media. Additionally, knowing that [certain characters that we all know are going to die in this movie] do

What I have to give a healthy dose of side-eye to is the rabid right’s immediate assoiciation of 9/11 with islam, but not Saudi Arabia. Then it’s a big nothing to see here, pay no attention to the oil greed and military industrial complex.

I hear you. I personally thought her wording was fine, too, but I can understand why some people would pause.

This is so frustrating, because that’s how you should talk about terrorists - as Arden so impressively demonstrated, do not say their names. Some people did something, is exactly how it should be referred to. There is no danger of forgetting what they did - America has built monuments - but there is no need to

^This. Did she make a mistake in her wording - yes, I think there’s some discussion about that. But to frame her as not “America First” is dangerous, racist and bigoted. The woman has already received a death threat at her office, and I am sure many more on the interwebs.

Brian Kilmeade of Fox & Friends shared the clip. “You have to wonder if she’s an American first,” Kilmeade mused.

What’s so threatening about her, to conservatives anyway?

I agree with you, somewhat, because I understand how the political game is played.  I also think it doesn’t really matter what she says - she’s a lightning rod for bigotry and she somewhat plays into it to (in my mind) push the boundaries of what is ‘acceptable.’

The article is commendably about how white women, and not just white men, should take some of the responsibility for Trump and white supremacy in general.

Oh boy. What has the AV Club comments section become? It used to be a place where people, generally, read and understood things; where good discussions took place. It’s disheartening to see what the Kinja generation brought with it. This article was insightful, well-written and timely. So naturally the majority of the

I don’t think she is stating that the movie is about white woman. I think she is just taking something she gained from the movie and acknowledging it. We all have different lenses through which we see, different sides of the coin of oppression, but we’re all oppressed. So, let this woman be.