I've never been one for fruit beers either, but I had one in Savannah the other day from Boulder Beer, Kinda Blue Blueberry. Knocked my socks off.
And this is why i will refuse to buy the expansion for now. In a year it will be cheaper and content should be allowed on the XBone as well. The money that would have gone towards this will go towards something else that is not Bungie related. Thank you Bungie for helping me decide where my money goes.
As someone that has had the "pleasure" of having a workplace Christmas Party catered by her, I would have to say that "really good" doesn't begin to describe how BAD her food tastes. Whenever people would come into Savannah for meetings at our plant I would beg and plead with them to not waste their time and taste…
Just got the "Cattle" error... I was playing with my son that lives 60 mils away and I dropped while he was good to go. I have tried everything that has been suggested, but allas, there has been no solution to my problem. Do any of you know if Bungie/Activision is working on a solution or a plan to issue refunds?
or E) Jim "Chris" Everett
Good, I am glad that I am not the only person with a morbid sense of humor when it comes to their father's death. My father was in the USN and had always wanted to be burried at sea. His body had to wait in a freezer after the wake while waiting for a Marine vessel to head out to either the Persian Gulf or the…
Correlation does not imply causation...
No, the Whistle Stop Cafe is in Juliette, GA.
Not only did Savannah get screwed by having those games, but the Denver-Indy game was kept from Dish subscribers. I had to watch the game online. <sad face>
Go Air Force! Beat Navy and Army!!