No, but the iPad doesn't have voice control to begin with, which is completely stupid.
No, but the iPad doesn't have voice control to begin with, which is completely stupid.
Four words: Mister Clean Magic Eraser.
Thanks for the coverage, guys! :)
Myth: You need to eat sugar to get sugar for your brain.
Salted or unsalted?
Because they just got even lazier. Now, instead of ACTUALLY doing a roundup and offering links, some moron decided "hey, we already wrote about all of these apps. Why spend ten minutes collecting all of those links. Just let everyone go find them in the sidebar."
this. Tere are two ways to do these, one thats fairly comfortable, and one that's not. Te one that's less comfortable gave me the illusions. It was rad, then.
Yeah, RCT3 was a great example of an awesome, simple game completely over-thought and over-complicated.
Does anyone know what the hackability of the Nook Touch is like? I know it's an android device, and has already been jailbroken, but I'm curious how hacking it affects its normal function? That is, once it's JB'd, is the ebook reader part just another app? Can you open .epub files from the web/dropbox/etc with the…
Excellent Tutorial/info on this style:
I'd rather have Rollercoaster Tycoon. :(
Yup. Take your time. Start out slow. I've got a pair of Vibrams that I love, but I've recently started running without shoes at all. Even vibram -> barefoot is a big jump that I'm having to ease into (it's more about building up calluses on your feet, but there are some small form changes, as well).
Rabble, rabble, rabble!
That's like saying a deer would be better off with padding on its hooves. Our feet are designed (by millions of years of evolution) to run barefoot.
Most of these are fine, but padding the corners of tables? Give me a break. Your kids will fall and hurt themselves. It happens, and it's (generally speaking) good for them.
Only question I care about: Will it get rid of the damn green spot when I take pictures under fluorescent lights?
The funny part is, I'm certain that akatherder was being facetious. :)
Or, you get 5GB free, and every 10GB thereafter is $20/yr.
I'm fairly certain you're not charged for "storing" media you've purchased from iTunes.
Take a look at the link I posted. There's a decent amount of evidence that the "SODIUM CAUSES HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE" research is fundamentally flawed.