
Unlikely, but maybe! Carmichael, CA? :)

Seriously. Sam, who let you write for Gizmodo with no sense of whimsy or nostalgia?

Ahahahahaha. When I was a kid, my dad had an oxy/acetylene welding setup. On the 4th of July, he was filling balloons and tying newspaper to them and lighting the newspaper. That was awesome. It made me wish acetylene was lighter than air, though.

Or he could NOT shut down the A9.

This is actually exactly the kind of stylus I've been looking for (can't be bothered to build my own via [lifehacker.com]

Really? I've had almost no issues on my iPad 2 or iPhone 4. The only significant problem I've had is that sometimes my iPad hard locks and has to be rebooted, but that's only happened two or three times total.

I'm a new-feature addict.

If history repeats itself (as with iOS3 and iOS4), beta 2 is going to be nigh-unusable.

Ooh, ooh. Now add the formulas that describe how your body processes and BMR are affected by the foods you eat and things you do.

Full-fat milk is more satiating than lowfat/skim, so for people who aren't growing (like kids are), they tend to drink less.

Nothing is unfair to fake fat. It's worthless. Why anyone would eat that garbage is beyond me.

Real, delicious fat.

I know I do from time to time, just to easily get to google.com from my chrome address bar.

@zegota: also, rice is usually *not* okay by paleo standards; It's more of a "well, if you really can't bring yourself to quit grains, it ain't so bad" choice.

Fair enough. I choose to believe my own interpretation of the relevant studies, instead of following the "status quo". I've seen the lipid hypothess research, and it doesn't hold up.

That's funny, because a lot more people scream exactly that over saturated fats and dietary cholesterol, when the evidence supporting them is far shakier.

Primal blueprint is a (relatively lax) form of the paleo lifestyle. Lots of great bloggers and books out there. Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson, et al. Great community, too.

Youre absolutely right. Theres no way to know for sure if diet is what dropped life expectancy in the neolithic. Its funny when you bring up the correlation/causation topic, though, considering that almost (if not) all of the studies suggesting that saturated fat causes heart disease are observational at best, and

I don't think I've ever heard a paleo call an apple toxic. If they are, they're not following any form of paleo with which I'm familiar.

@zegota, Um, that's exactly why it's a great argument against grains/for paleo. There hasn't been any reason/evolutionary mechanism for humans to evolve the ability to digest grains properly, because, like you said, evolution doesn't care about your health once you reproduce (actually, once you and your kids