
If you are actually having fun, thats what it sounds like. I get it, you boring feminist just lay there and cry during sex but normal healthy people who love sex, like to get dirty, talk dirty and have fun.

It’s mainly a cultural fetish. an example is we used to be all juiced up about our action movies one lone soldier against hundreds of enemies or girl kidnapped and one hero and his buddy fights waves of minions to save her. This is their version of that, only they tend to do it with samurai girls in school uniforms

I really like the beginning of the video where he complains about not getting an advanced warning of his arrest and the charges against him. It’s like he’s used to living in an entirely different legal system in which crimes are negotiated away with money before charges are ever pressed. That part alone convinces me

Since this ended in a thai, it went to a shootout.

We’ve written about this before, but the post-game presser is a weird thing. The reporters mostly have written their stories already, and they just need to fill in the familiar quotes in order to file on time. So they want the same boring answers. The last thing they want is a truly newsworthy post-game presser,

The Mariners won on Kyle Seager’s 10th inning home run...not single. I know the Mariners aren’t very good and rarely hit, but please give credit where credit is due, as this may not happen again for quite some time.

it doesn’t look anything like that.

It says: “I don’t care about basketball, but am watching the playoffs just because I like Harden.”


If it makes you feel better, Prince Neckbeard apparently once paid a stripper $100,000 to go on a date with him, and didn’t even get laid, so it appears that your issues with his sartorial choices are not solely yours.

Those are valid reasons.

no no, you are wrong

Damn this dude has a lot of internet friends. Three people mad that I’m hating on their friend. I mean, it was cool. Fine. I just don’t understand why it was all over the place. I’d have been more impressed if homeboy had a gym full of people watching. Not his three homeboys. My first thought was “How many times has

Regarding your edit: This looks like a leak, not something they intentionally put out, so I don’t think they’re trying to use this to show off the character.

Hahahaha. Tideland is one of those movies where I have to say to myself, and others..

In the case of Terry Gilliam, I can only assume that god exists… and he really hates Terry Gilliam. The whole greek pantheon comes together to shut down Gilliam movies.

Yes he would and here are a bunch of out of context lines from “Casino” and “My Cousin Vinny” that explain why.

You’re missing the key point here. That comment was written by a robot who has developed the ability to think and feel. By some time next year it will have assimilated all existing Mayweather, Rice, and Goodell knowledge and will create the funniest joke we’ve ever seen. I can’t wait.

I really hope you’re not lumping Don Rickles in this “seemingly-unfunny people” category.

I haven't read this article, nor do I care to read it in a fair and meaningful way, but I fully agree with Doc's position on a blanket ban of gay marriage in these United States. Moreover, he's absolutely correct that Obama should be prosecuted for treason, and his staunch opposition to the scourge of reverse racism