
There are a ton of genre shows now, but only a handful of good ones. With fall almost here, there are 12 shows on my list and only 3 of them are network shows. It’s not overkill, it’s the new reality. From my perspective though television is entering its “wild west” phase. There will continue to be more and more

I love Defiance and Killjoys - I’m still pretty neutral about Dark Matter. I want to like the show but I’m still waiting to get sucked in and it hasn’t happened yet. So far it doesn’t pass my test. I occasionally ask myself: If all of the series regulars died would I care? At his point the answer is still ‘not very

Too little too late. I tried to be patient with the show because I liked the concept but I gave up a few episodes ago. It seems like even when “things happen” on the show it’s very temporary and at this point I can’t be lured back in. Maybe I’ll binge watch it sometime after it’s over ... maybe.

This show is easily one of the winners of this year for me so far. Good sci-fi should be fun first and, it seems to me, a lot of recent shows have forgotten that. They get complicated quickly and challenge you to keep up, they get sidetracked by interpersonal relationships between the characters or they get into

I understand your point and largely agree. There is no reason that the characters can’t be women, there is no reason that the actors in the last film had to be men. However, I think the problem started with the studio. Shortly after they announced that there would be a new movie (which everyone sorta ignored because

At some point in the last ten years, Google became the new Apple - responsive, consumer focused, stable-high quality ... everything. Apple, over the same period became the new Microsoft - slow, buggy, apparently ignorant of both complaints and public perception - the fact that Apple is now trying to mimic Google

A ban is absurd. What will happen now is that scientists in places like China will do the research and own the patents. Any and all mistakes will be suffered people people in the developing world and then, once the scientists are better at it, it will be another thing for people wealthy enough to travel for the

This show lasted about 3 episodes before it went completely off the rails. I hope, at some point, people in Hollywood figure out that JJ Abrams isn’t very good at storytelling.

I don’t think this would make my “all time top 5” for wasted potential, but it wasn’t good. It started out as two covens go to war in NoLa, with some witch hunters in the mix, which sounds good but it ended up as “women being dicks to each other, with special musical guest Stevie Nicks”. AHS has fallen short every

I have no issues at all with the research. Even if I did I would see no value in suppressing the results. How is anyone helped by burying scientific data? I’m glad that they decided to publish and a little disappointed that Science and Nature both took a pass because they assumed that there would be controversy. Since

A one off seems inadequate. Ming Na Wen has owned that character and made a SHIELD show work without Nick Fury. I think that it was her popularity alone that kept people coming back during a hit-and-miss season 1 (plus the actress has been great at community building on social media). Marvel should run with the

Yeah, I agree with .. pretty much everyone who has commented - In the face of war, prejudice, superstition/magical thinking, poverty and economic disparity, slavery, etc., I don’t think that anything on the list is going to make the top 10 for ‘future generations’. We could sit here now and say that European slave

I’m geeking out about this so much that I set up a Google Alert to keep an eye on it.

The meteor impact released the spores

Maybe we just think differently. Given time, I can plan and if I have time to plan I will win the vast majority of the time. Without time to plan all I can do is react, and that's a much riskier business.

I disagree. Monsters are, at a very basic level, just another predator. All other things being equal, a fast predator is instinctively 'scarier' than a slow predator. Hippos are very dangerous but tigers are far scarier.

Not really it's more teen soap operas with sci-fi/fantasy settings (even Arrow is so teen soap opera at times that I consider bailing on it.)

Not really. The 100 was just good enough to get you to watch the next episode in the hope that it was getting better but never any better than that. I abandoned ship eventually.

iZombie looks terrible but I'm not the audience the CW is after (I hated Twilight etc).

I'll blame Moffat anyway, just because so little of what he does makes sense.