
But what if the character just cleans up a bit and/or changes locations ... as opposed to being dead? Getting a haircut isn't always a bad omen.

I keep trying to imagine how creatures like this evolved. The face opening is just one of the parts that doesn't seem to make sense. They would have had to have evolved on a planet with humanoid life in order to fit almost perfectly onto a human head. There also would have had to be a plentiful supply of 'people' so

I love Black Mirror but I'm becoming concerned with the amount of dystopian science fiction.

All of the what does that rock/cloud look like Mars stories are getting a little old. Personally I'm hoping they find another rover that we didn't send!

I am bordering on "done with this show". That makes me really sad because I loved it so much and I think Peter Capaldi is amazing - but Stephen Moffat is just driving it into the ground.

You're completely stretching, bending and twisting things to fit what you'd like to be true. Again, you have no evidence at all just faith and wishful thinking.

Sorry, but I learned in the 2nd grade that a story can't be carried around a room and maintain its accuracy.

64 AD and 112 AD were not from the "time of Jesus" - imagine trying to write a history of WWII or WWI now based purely on what you're told by illiterate villagers.

Anything in the Babylonian Talmud is suspect. There is no agreement on which parts supposedly pertain to Jesus or when those parts were written (there is agreement that it has been modified and edited over time). The parts pertaining to Jesus (who isn't mentioned by name) could have been added in 521 or even after,

How about a Star Trek movie set entirely on a holodeck, say a 1950s Las Vegas lounge. The crew dress in period appropriate clothing and never leave the holodeck or use any technology that wouldn't have been appropriate to 1955 (though they do talk about the 'starship' etc a bit just to make sure you remember it's a

There's no evidence from that time to work forward from. However, the lack of evidence is compelling since the events described were supposed to be important and yet remained unnoticed by historians, record keepers and scholars of the time.

Ok, but if it was the Beatlemania of the time wouldn't the Greek, Roman or Jewish scholars - all of whom were highly and actively literate - have mentioned something about him? They didn't.

Ok, but only records from the time he was supposedly alive have any relevance. Imagine, even now, trying to write about something that happened 100-150 years ago - when there are no actual records to base it on. At that time legends and stories spread like news, but much more slowly. The Jesus story is actually much

Even Josephus would have been a few generations after the fact. Remember that even direct eye witness testimony, immediately after the fact is only barely reliable. There is historical evidence that Herod existed, but he would have been dead before Jesus was supposed to have been born. As for the Jews and the Muslims,

Before anyone can claim that it's "likely" that Jesus preached there, someone needs to show that it's "likely" that there ever was a historical Jesus. So far I haven't seen/heard much evidence for that other than "eye-witness" accounts from hundreds of years after the fact - though nothing is mentioned in the Jewish,

Yet another reason I'm happy about GMOs. If genetically modified produce doesn't have the potential to boost production (in terms of calories) by 18% it should come close.

A 3D printer isn't a replicator but the Star Trek replicator is supposed to be 4-500 years in our future. If you consider how far we've come technologically since 1515-1615 (or even since 1900) it certainly makes an actual replicator seem possible.

Should be ok, but only if they can get Bill Murray back.

I forgot all about Atlantis. No idea how that got a second season.

I recently re-watched all of it and decided that, overall, DS9 is the best of the series. I like them all but DS9 has the best collection of well developed, three dimensional, sympathetic characters and all are portrayed believably by the actors involved. Sisko isn't my favorite captain, and I still want to see a