
Looked at another way, Star Trek is a leftist fantasy while Star Wars is a right wing fantasy:

To stop supporting mediocrity: Basically to stop going to movies or watching shows because they are part of a franchise - There have been too many weak movies lately. As of 2016 each film and series will have to be sold to me on its own merits.

The apology is B.S., this wasn’t a “mistake” - they were warned about this when casting started. The only way I’d believe that they’d learned anything is if they pulled the film and let it gather dust in the vaults - I plan on passing on the film and instead of banging my head against the wall of the studio, I’ll turn

I always liked Newt. I still use “They mostly come at night, mostly” on a regular basis. Of course “We’ll have to take off and nuke the site from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure” is the working title of my autobiography.

Yep, really - never met one.

You would make a great TV exec.

Has he said that? They get a ton of American TV in the UK and, while I’m sure that they exist, I’ve never met a Who fan who didn’t like Star Trek.

Sure. But Star Trek has always been about diversity. I don’t think a Welsh producer is stretching things too far. I don’t know if RTD is a Trek fan but he is a TV producer, he could probably handle it.

If I was CBS I would have talked to Russell T. Davies - who very successfully brought Doctor Who back from the dead and turned it into an international mainstream success. Who and Trek have similar broad, overarching themes - exploration, optimism and exploring contemporary human issues through science fiction

Just what I was going to say - though if I was CBS I would have talked to Russel T. Davies (Who very successful revived Doctor Who which has broad, overarching themes similar to Star Trek).

Yeah they made money but they were completely unrelated to the other movies and series - in a separate universe and completely abandoned the broad themes of Star Trek (essentially just Michael Bayish action movies in space)

Absolutely skipping this movie with a vengeance. Some of the stories I’ve heard about the set are stomach turing - apparently deeply toxic & sexist.

Sad. Look’s good but I can’t do first person shooters at all.

I’d say Twilight Zone (done as a high production value 10-12 episode/season ‘event tv’ thing) and Star Trek as a TV series but they really need to ease up on the reboots and look for some new material.

Star Trek: Return to Television

Frankly, this falls TV schedule looks pretty bleak. There are only 5 new shows, starting between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31 on my list and one of them has already been scratched after a single episode. There is always the possibility that I missed something, but if people start raving about a show I can always go back and

I’m totally not on board - this looks terrible. It’s like a Hallmark card with the Peanuts characters from Knot’s Berry Farm.

Always loved this show and felt that it had potential that it never reached.

To me these shows were worlds apart. Killjoys was fun and, while it may have wandered off track at times, it was easy to follow. Dark Matter was rarely fun and it seemed to crawl up its own ass with the plot more than once. I wasn’t even able to follow, most of the time, who I was supposed to like and who I wasn’t as