1 strike you're out? really? Last time I checked this is America and you are allowed a couple screw-ups before it becomes that dire.
1 strike you're out? really? Last time I checked this is America and you are allowed a couple screw-ups before it becomes that dire.
If everyone drove like that it would eliminate the risk of hitting slow moving drivers...
Same reason Mcclaren used it on the engine bay of the F1... to keep the heat out. In this case it helps keep the charge tubing from getting heat soaked. Cooler air is denser air, cooler denser air allows for more fuel and timing, wich in turn make more powah.
Anything from an LS, to a soobie turbo boxer in a porsche 914.
I was going to say this one too. I have an M62TU 4.4 and love it, I almost picked up an E34 530iT beater at one point, still might...
how about 44cc's?
I don't really have any questions for you guys, I assume most will be annoying and pointless.
Leaving off a manual transmission is where I take a little umbrage. Dual clutch is fantastic, and I'm loving basically every paddle shift trans these days, but if Autoblog's source is to be believed, it will be the only option.
Perhaps BMW will do what they've done for the M5 and M6 and offer manual equipped M4s only to us in the states. And then we can brag about something we get that Europe doesn't have for once.
Rich people follow traffic laws less because they slow them down, the more time they spend in their car driving, the less time they spend making more money. Der.
"Alluring"... really? I love wagons, I really do... but there is nothing alluring about any civic, even more so with this latest generation. Has the be the ugliest small wagon, ever.
The mustang hasn't used leaf springs since 1978. That is 35 years, so more than 2/3 of mustang production has been without leaf springs. It is usually wise to get your facts straight before talking shit, it keeps you from looking so stupid.
Funny, this scene made me stop trying to watch the show... beyond cheesy.
So... since it is on a Japan website, it means we will see them here? lol.
So... the guy he snitched on doesn't know how to use craigslist?
even a narrow angle V is still a V... inline means just what it states... in... line. If the pistons aren't in a line, it isn't an inline engine. I don't care how many cylinder heads it has, old air-cooled engines had 1 head per cylinder and it had zero bearing on the engine layout.
Had one of these too... with 380,000 miles on it. Still raised the rev-limit and messed with the top end fueling (factory leaned it out a lot for some reason) with an ostrich 2.0 eprom emulator... sold it (it was in an '89 E34) to some kid that flew out from michigan and drove it back home from here in CT... still…
Yup, not fast or anything but they are pretty much bulletproof engines. I had a 1990 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 4x4 5-speed and before being given to my by my grandparents it got oil changes MAYBE every 20k miles, but the rear main leaked so bad I had to keep adding anyway by the time I got it. The steel impeller on the water…