I knew it woudln't take long for NYC to ban MSG.
I knew it woudln't take long for NYC to ban MSG.
Cool... but I would have made the bottom of the pool glass so I can watch the car go by under me while swimming.
Why doesn't GM have a "Track Key" tune/ecu that one can purchase to eliminate this and maybe a ever so slightly more aggressive tune... kind of like how the new 'stang BOSS (and probably others) does?
I'd rather have them be up front with the tax and why, than have them bury it somewhere else so that the people who don't have an electric or hybrid vehicle end up footing a portion of the bill a la communism.
Did you write 90% of this article THEN realize it may be a joke and just shove it in the last paragraph because you were too lazy to rewrite/write something else?
Engines don't shift gears.
The purple thing in the V is just the turbo inlet "box". Other than that it's just intake and exhaust manifolds and the exhaust plumbing.
I don't watch TMZ for a few different reasons, one of them is because I don't give a shit about Justin Bieber or most any other celebrity for that matter. Just because he gets in a Ferrari and drives off, doesn't make it Jalopnik-worthy.
before you call someone out on spelling, please try to be sure you use the correct form of "you're"...
Publicly threatening the author of a blog, on their blog over posting videos you uploaded to youtube and made public for all to see, is about as good of an idea as it was to cold-rev a bunch of cars that don't belong to you. It's unfortunate you cant be fired from life, or at least the internet.
I drive my E39 540i/6 32 miles each way sometimes in bumper to bumper traffic for half the distance. It sucks but the days that I get on the road a little early or the assholes decide not to crash or cruise at 55mph in the left lane... I love having a manual. This is coming from someone with bad joints from lyme…
Modern BMW's (most N series engines) only have a throttle body for safety/backup purposes. The valvetronic system varies the amount the intake valves open to control engine speed rather than a throttle valve, so the intake manifold can remain wide open to the MAF and filter box similar to a diesel.
dumb article is dumb. If it costs as much as or more than a good sized house and outperforms 90%+ of other vehicles on the road... it is a supercar.
You lost me when you called it (or any 500) stylish. They are an over priced crappy commuter car that is somehow just as bad as a "smart" and is far outshined by a cooper, which aren't even that great.
60mph is below the speed limit in many places.
at least weekly while in my company owned Ranger 4x4... I melted the front pads off it right down to the backing plates in under 15k miles and have made washer fluid come out the driver side nozzle on hard right turns. sometimes I wonder how many times it would barrel roll... need a cage first though. But, tomorrow is…
This has been the ongoing theme with most automakers. And I'm pretty sure it isn't the automakers just haphazardly making awful decisions, the the emissions mandates and government regulations.