"You can get where you want to go if you go slower than the speed limit"
"You can get where you want to go if you go slower than the speed limit"
I'm from the Branford area, and my last name is Rogers. Anyone want me to go talk to my possible relatives?
I work for a trucking industry supplier and there are a handful of reasons cab-overs have for the most part disappeared in the USA... less safe, less comfy, less aerodynamic... They are much more maneuverable though, but at the cost of sitting directly above the steer axle and feeling much more bumps and a shorter…
aimed at fashion conscience people? Seriously?.... blind people maybe. That thing is fkn hideous in every way from every angle.
Sounds like they are working on it and ran out of time before the reveal... I have more respect for a company that admits it's shortcomings rather than lie or make shit up.
Sying a concept rivals a vehicle that you can walk into a dealership and buy is kind of dumb. Apple to Orange comparison.
I95 from Old Town, Maine to Houlton, Maine... straight forever and they just raised the speed limit to 75
autos fail much much more frequently than manual trasmissions... I'd rather replace a clutch than have to rebuild an auto. The new dual clutch and 6+ speed autos are getting there though.
"So, to ((all the rich people across the globe who long to go fast )- 5), my apologies."
not too much hp... too little rubber.
We are becoming europe... thank god, took long enough. Now bring on the diesels, more wagons, and the scirocco!
The new boxster weighs 77lbs less, has a 60mm longer wheel base, 40mm wider front track 18mm wider rear track, and has 40% more torsional rigidity... It's far from just a re-skin or face-lift... it's essentially a completely re-designed car. the 2.7 in the base car is also new.
If you think of it in terms of what it would cost to change your plain camaro into the one pictured... it is pretty much a bargain. Complete color change, custom wheels... not cheap to have done.
My dad is a paraplegic from a motorcycle accident years ago, he has had hand controls in various vehicles for as long as I can remember. Pretty interesting setups. His is down gas, push forward for brake, this looks to be a similar setup but with a dedicated lever for each and linkage between the two.
What about the e23 745? it had a turbo 3.5L... they did 45 because it made the hp of a bigger engine... kind of like why the 2.o turbo F30 328 still uses 328... the turbo 4 makes the same hp.
Gambling with what is essentially taxpayers money is what GM does bast, kind of like the Volt... and don't een get me started on this...
I know the3 suspension isn't supposed to take the kind of lateral loads this one obviously did... but look at how the bolt ripped right through the stamped steel lower arm... typical underbuilt Japanese vehicle. I suppose the aftermarket is likely already tooling up to make billet rear arms though...
Its probably considerably cheaper to replace a broken wheel in the event of a mishap... than it is to replace suspension components. Plus this allows the suspension to compress if there is any kind of harsh movement of the plane rather than having the car rigidly strapped the the pallet allowing the whole package to…
I couldn't get past the first crappy scene of Sunday's episode where they started playing crappy dubstep and shaking the camera and panning back and forth between the cars while playing a generic engine-rev track. I have tried getting into this show on about 10 different occasions and I have yet to see why people…
1) Juke 7) 80's lincoln town car