
I think I'd just be happy with any new single player game made using the same gunplay/gameplay of RAGE.

I liked the combat. It was fun, it was smooth, and it made me feel powerful when it needed to...

But yes, a sequel would be brilliant...which they clearly intended to do, given the ending, but it seems unlikely given

I loved RAGE...except the ending.

The gunplay was brilliant, and that's mostly what I wanted. Ok, could have been longer, could have offered more "dungeons" but I thought it was still good. It clearly had a lot cut from it though (all those closed doors...).

The only truly terrible thing in my experience was the

Give me a break. I can buy Crackdown for $3 or $4 online, same goes for every other game they've given for free.. I know you're trying to bait and say PS+ is inferior because you can't keep games forever, but as far as I can tell, I see no reason to cancel my sub. Great value for my $$$. They actually put games that

Ugh. It's getting old, although you never specifically gave a reason for not wanting to play, I'm willing to bet money it has something to do with the overly exaggerated female sprites. Because that's never happened in gaming before. It's entertainment, nobody is hurting anyone with Dragons Crowns art style.

Oh my bad, I should have told you that I don't need you to speak for me, I'm mature enough to accept art for what it is on my own.

Anita only says that so she can gain support for her bitching and try and sound intelligent. Her opinion on games is as uninformed as it can get. Max Payne's wife's death is sexist? Really? I know, I know there is sexism in video games, but she's not talking about sexism. To her it seems that any time women suffer/die

And you don't need games with giant tits and hypersexualization to change just because some puritan prudes get their panties in a twist.

Can't wait for this - already got the 4pack preordered.

No thanks. Me and four friends will be picking this up, and enjoying the shit out of it. Your disapproval means exactly dick to us.

I'm not, it looks fun as hell. I don't give a shit if it's got tons of fanservice and whatnot, the gameplay looks spectacular.

That's unfortunate that 1+ character(s) would turn you off to a game when you have the option to not interact with it. None of the characters offend me in the least, but then again it's fairly difficult to offend me. I suppose it would just have to be a completely terrible game... That would be pretty offensive I

You do realize I was making an analogy and not a direct comparison? ...right? Someone sees that right?

It exist because it needs to exist.
Because it's the thread that Kotaku deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll add to it...because it can take it...because it's not a heroic thread...it's a silent conversation, a watchful projection of our beliefs...the Meaningless Thread.

I mean, I would have accepted other answer. But just "no" is no answer at all.

I wanted to provoke him into giving an answer.

Yeah I'd much rather discuss something interesting.

I honestly don't think Contra is that difficult. As someone who probably plays it at least a few times a year (with the original cartridge on NES) I can get through it without any Konami code. You get extra lives pretty regularly, the enemies all have fairly easy patterns, and there is no time limit. If you just

I only play games for story mode so bleh. To be honest I think it's an awful idea. For one if I actually want to play a game I will tend to avoid watching any promo vids than I have to, but for people who just want to see the cut scenes I don't see what the problem is. So what now? All you have is introductory videos,

Not enough boobs and how is her ass? Those things are required for perfect look for me.

...well maybe she's perfect for you. But true perfection is also related to body!


I guess I have a different mindset than most other gamers. If I saw this as my starting position I'd crack my knuckles and say "Well, this should be interesting..."

They are huge in Japan, but I wasn't really aware they did much outside of it.