
I think the problem was the plot was handled in way that was like classic sci-fi where very little is actually explained and a lot is left up to the audience to figure out.

I agree.

I hope that they don't have to rewrite their timeline stuff all over again by releasing it. It'd be nice if this game comes some time after Link's Awakening... even better if they do some shout-outs to the events in Awakening and the Oracle games.

It being so chill is what I liked about it. It oozed atmosphere for me, which will keep me playing. But everyone's taste's are different.

>Make FPA title on Wii U

This is always such a weird dynamic - with all consoles.

Nintendo to Ubisoft: Make less shovelware and maybe we'll sell more systems.

As much of a Nintendo fan that I am, this is a pretty smart move by Ubi

And this text, my friends, is totally bs from Microsoft. They just want to soft you to buy they console, with a false hope.

I know they're expanding it vertically, with all of those floating fortresses and such, but yeah I hear you there. Steelport was fun for a time, but that died down much more quickly than previous games/other sandbox titles. So far, the only ways they seem to be taking advantage of the simulation setting are the

But it worked perfectly for Diablo 3 and Sim Ci — oh wait...

So a meter and a half, that's pretty close.

Martin Luther king day 1995. A huge oversight was realized. Microsoft will have this kind of realization and all it will take is one person who understands this oversight to cause utter mayhem. Oh you bet it will happen, I'll put money on it. I wonder is there are odds in vegas on the xbox one failing.

Bigger question; what happens to the system in 10 years? What happens when they take those servers OFFLINE?

You guys are actually underreacting to this. The Xbox One doesn't have Coax, it has HDMI In. It won't replace a cable box, you plug your cable box into the Xbox One which you then plug into your TV.

What they mean by 'you can still watch your shows' means that if you don't check in with the Xbox One, the system will

So, the Xbox you bought for gaming can be used to watch TV and movies, but not game if you don't connect to the internet? The ONE feature that doesn't actually require you to be connected to something for it to work (other than disc-based movies/tv) won't work when you have no connection, but the internet-enable

I believe...because the X1 is going to be used as a cable box, the system will still be able to take your cable signal and display it when you are offline. Just as if your DirecTV box loses the ability to connect to the internet you may lose access to OnDemand programming but Live and Recorded shows are still

I think what they mean is it's gonna have a coaxial plug so you can plug it into your cable TV directly and watch stuff that way without the console needing to connect to the web. In other words, the One can double as a cable box, if that makes sense.

Well, I know sometimes my cable internet will be down but I can still watch TV. I assume that's what they are talking about. Also, if you had Satellite TV and DSL (like those bundles the telephone companies offer) your internet would be separate from the TV as well.