
</CSI: Miami>

I’m at least two years away from having a first kid (currently single, although a year ago I would have said that I’d be prepping for a kid by now, but that’s its own story)

“Jalopnik’s gonna be rigged, I hate to tell ya.”

“Incorrect: we protected those consumers from leaving in a new Cadillac.”

So, you opened this article.... why?


Yes, many.

The big difference is that it’s easier to liquidate a car than real estate in the case of default.

It’s not the consumers that will get burnt by lower tranches defaulting. It’ll be investors. (Details)

“That’s a nice Mustang-beater you’ve drawn up on your computer. It’d be a shame if something were to... crash into it.”

>rips broken record off turntable, smashes into thousands of tiny vinyl shards that will embed themselves in feet that trod across the floor in the dark en route to a midnight snack<

You keep bringing up the EPA.

Your choice of residence does not limit California from establishing their own rules one iota. See: Texas.

5th Gear: And now we have to invite a separate 3rd party: those independence-loving* Brits!

When road rage ______ happens, the best weapon you have is the camera on your phone.

“Durrrrr, muh taxes paid for this ro-uhd!”

Duuuuude, all lives matter!


So, in what situations is it necessary for the victim to press charges, in order for the DA to file them?

Guy who lived at my CT apartment complex a few years back owned one of these, but did not get the apartment floorplan with the garage. #youredoingitwrong