

If companies were rational (HA!), corporate maintenance crews would use these.

If you check “yes”, they simply say, “You can’t sell that here.”

“No.” — shareholders

One country’s imports is another country’s exports.

You may be right.


Hey... data!

Everyone that screamed at me that airlines make safety a high priority.

Old people tend to be retired and not have jobs. Neos do, though.

People who are considered experts in various fields have analyzed the potential results of Brexit from the perspective of their fields and called it “dumb”.

Before the EU political union, WWI & WWII.

Because collectivism, durr, marxist, durr, soshulism, hurr, freedom!

May be a case of, “Doing the same thing we’ve been doing incrementally better will only bring incremental returns. We’re in such a deep hole, incremental returns won’t save us. We should use this crisis to reinvent the company, because without reinvention we’re dead anyway.”

The only difference between “taxi service” and “replace personal vehicles” is proliferation. And (again) Uber does not bear the marginal cost of increasing that proliferation if humans are behind the wheel, but does if they spend the money reinventing that human in silicon form.

Stop it. American history starts at 1903. Everyone knows that.

Again, I don’t have their business plan memorized. But if Uber simply took the same portion from every fare, and let the drivers duke it out in competition, then the driver cost is still borne by the driver, not Uber.

Man, wish I’d seen this before I clicked “NP”.

And, obviously, if you had a Mustang, you could Mustang the other Mustang first and prevent it from Mustanging you. #colddeadhands