Q: What is the price of anything?
Q: What is the price of anything?
1. Bankrupt company
I don’t know the Uber business model extremely well. But if they don’t pay their drivers (because contractors, not employees), then those human-driven cars are, to Uber’s accountants, no different than robot cars. So, what’s the business case for spending $$$$$ to replicate a driving capability you already have for…
Hair is white/grey. Not that it helps, either.
“I said, NO WaPo writers!”
OK, we have white hair in a Lexus. That ..... really doesn’t narrow it down.
It’s “Never attribute to conspiracy that which can be explained by incompetence.” — Napoleon Bonaparte
You forgot Cracker Barrel.
2 things that will never be outlawed in Iowa:
I’ve never seen plates that blend in with the body panels so well.
Heartbeat sensor. Modern Warfare FTW!
Rule 1: Quantity > quality
Reason #4,191,018 to not be president: you’ve got to to get you itinerary approved by every message board poster and Gawker commenter before setting your Out Of Office.
Madden: “Yeah, now, now, you see, you, you can’t do this. Eh, everybody knows that the Blues are strong up the middle. You, you’ve got to use play action... to make the defense back off. Then, you can, you can shoot it up their gut.”
Correct. “Oblivious” and “disorderly” are two independent but not mutually exclusive things.
>checks calendar<
It’s the Internet. Everyone is a victim.
But how many cavities did you have? DON’T LEAVE US HANGING!!!