
Insurgents use those airbags for cheap landmines.

I see plenty of Fuchs in that barrel, but not one given.

Press guy on Gummi bears: “They are... very tasty >chew< but they are bent on world domination so we must deal with them.”

Serious question for the shrinks out there:

Now, don’t be bringing the actual law into internet comments about behavior in traffic!


You sound like a fun guy to hang out with.

I don’t understand why people insist on being an antagonist, it can’t lead to anything good.

Where was your support when I got lambasted for suggesting airlines don’t make passenger safety a high priority? :)

Where do you work where they let you pick more than one (which had better be “Cheap”)?

I dunno. Slow sir bag may defeat the purpose...

Everything has a failure rate. Everything.

Because they charge an arm and a leg per copy.

Aircraft nav sectional currently states: “Magnetic disturbance of as much as 10° exists at 4000' elevation in the vicinity of Stone Mountain.”

with the whole market moving toward SUVs (until gas prices cross $4 again),

“An ideal state” = group of candidates that does not exclude any specific state.

Notice that I didn’t say it couldn’t be Michigan...

“You just listen to the ol’ Pork Chop Express and take his advice as you finish your daily commute, alright? When some slick SAIC rep comes up to you, looks you gravely in the eye, and tells you there’s a recall on your Aveo due to potential crankcase corrosion? Well, you just look that guy right back in the eye and

Not to be “that person”, but are the majority of issues with bringing auto cars into the mainstream automotive or electronic and software?