

Then Robocar deploys a 20mm gatling and rids the road of the obstruction. Think Mad Max only with computers instead of skinhead Aussies in modified football pads behind the wheel.

Know how little bag boys front-end courtesy clerks cost?

If the car is under control of a hacker, then it is under the control of a sentient being, which is an improvement over today’s drivers.

If they’re paying for the fuel the USV (unmanned street vehicle; I’m first!) uses, I’m confident the owner will program in a smart route to minimize fuel use. Kinda like they do now, whenever gas hits $4/gallon or traffic increases or stoplights get dumber.

Let’s just clarify this: the totalitarian state made the country fragile as glass; the drop in oil prices shattered that glass.

Sundance Kid: “What could they have here that you could possibly want to buy?”

Considering none of these commenters could find Venezuela on a map, one can safely ignore any statements not involving beer, coal, or denim.

Mitsu over-inflated. It’s under-inflating that causes cars to hop the median.

VW has a lotta buffers.

But it will put a dent in the expenses of commercial users of light trucks and SUVs. They’ll keep driving light trucks and SUVs, of course. But they won’t buy new ones as capex while more cash is being slushed into the gas pump. And that is the automakers’ concern.

Mitsu was cheating on fuel economy, not emissions (as far as we know). </pedant>

Because you don’t have a private jet.

I have a 13 Fiesta that will be 11 years old when my kid turns 16. When asked if he’d like that car when he learns to drive: “Nah,” and returns to Minecraft.

Sorry, forgot to include quote:

So you’re saying Iran has a point?

When the lion roars twice, play Dark Side.

Jamie Hyneman came up with a personal protection device against tornados that actually worked against blunt wind force and debris damage in small scale testing (if you consider a turbofan engine “small-scale”).

They didn’t even require a CDL to transport a production crew with expensive A/V equipment into a storm cell? Wow, when they say “reality shows cost less to produce”, they aren’t kidding.

Legal marijuana. The best thing to happen to The Darwin Awards Twitter feed since the invention of power tools.