
Negotiating is one thing. Tearing apart the customer’s trade-in during color scheme selection so they’re stranded at your office and will be compelled to agree to your “revised” terms is another.

1st Gear:

You can’t spend any more money on anything today, because you have create expansionary expectations in people’s minds by reducing the debt today, which reduces the probability of raising taxes 20 years from now, which increases people’s confidence today, so they will go out and buy new Chinese-made techno gadgets,

Yup. France had nothing to do with our independence. Not a thing.

as long as they “believe”

sum(Fans’ opinions) << insurance company’s opinion;

someone in China

Keep your finger in that dike, jeff. You’ll hold back the water.

“Coming up next on Mythbusters: we delve into the dark, dusty, basement of the Royal Navy archives with a stiff British codger to count the number of recorded fatalities from infections while on board navy ships. Stay tuned through these commercials!”

To be fair, you just got paid about the same amount to write your sh** as a Gawker employee gets paid to write theirs.

Though they readily admitted they were not scientists.

Is NOx testing more expensive/invasive/difficult/time-consuming than CO2 testing? I know (see above) that Mythbusters could do NOx tests, but I wonder whether it was a cost-benefit decision on their part to nix the NOx tests (see what I did there?), rather than “steering” by VW.

1000% = 10x. Even smaller than 40x.

Yup, but their objections don’t look so good captured on tape (err, memory) and shown on the evening news.

I drove about 500 miles

In Fla, he would just need to feel threatened, which could be when he was sold a totaled car (“Hey! He’s trying to kill me in traffic! THREAT!”).

Sonny Corleone: “They’re saps because, in this age of personal technology, they’re not recording every interaction they have with anyone who can legally make them dead.”

Hey! ALL lives matter! </s>

Same thing on my parents’ Sonata. Oh sure, you can dismount the bulb from the housing while leaving the housing in place, but a big hunk of metal right behind the bulb prevents you from removing the bulb from the housing. So, out the housing comes...

Shadiest finance department ever?