Behind everything, is some group of old white men making money.
Behind everything, is some group of old white men making money.
What’s with that wallpaper? Where are we, Florida or 18th-century Romania?
What you did there, I like it.
“Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the belly of the Slar that day I can tell you!” - Vinz Klartho, Keymaster of Gozer
Denton math: comp for infinite monkeys < comp for 1 copy editor.
“· Ask a Hell’s Angel if he is a woman or has he always walked like that?” (from “Act Strange and People Will Leave You Alone”)
“Alexa, when will this forum go nuclear?”
Or any “X Things Last Night’s Debate Got Wrong” articles.
I once answered a question on Jez (the Krebs cycle can reconstitute lactate), and nothing happened. No replies, no faves. I was a little bit disappointed.
“And it’s gonna be there.” — Oddball, Kelly’s Heroes
That’s pretty insensitive of you to assume he’s straight.
Only if you don’t signal.
Sesame Street: “Uh, Mr. Narrator? Can we have that ‘GONG-GONG’ sound effect again?”
“Pedants of the world arrive at the same 4-D coordinates to express a commonly-held opinion!”
The worst of both worlds: bulbous key AND big fat fob.
The fobs are thick now. But why will they continue to be?
It’s a great time to buy a [thing] but not a good time to sell one.
They’d have to put ego aside.
Maytag : Whirlpool :: Lexus : Toyota. (kinda...)