
I feel like you’re laying it on a little thick. If not a war, what setting would you suggest for a shooter? The point isn’t making war fun, the point is making a fun video game with a setting that hasn’t been done to death. They tried something similar with Battlefield Hardline, which was a step away from the wars of

He’s like that little kid in the Twilight Zone who can read people’s minds and forces everyone in the town to act like they like him all the time. Except the Twilight Zone was deep, well thought out fiction, and this is a shitty, all-to-real grown man in charge of a country.

My grandfather died without ever having seen the cubs win the world series. So, my Dad, ever the crazy asshole he is, brought a radio out on the porch so gramps could listen in from heaven. We all thought he was going out there to jack off, but nope he was going out there to be with his Dad, which I thought was sweet.

Part of me kind of appreciates that this statement is rough around the edges and kind of mixed/complicated. The kind of voter who might be on the fence might not be the kind to be 100% up on the correct vocabulary and the current state of the feminist discourse....but very possibly is a fan of Louis C.K. It’s not

This guy is classic Hammond Man.

Hand Therapy.

There's going to be a very awkward moment at the convention when Bobby Knight tries to throw the chair that Clint Eastwood is lecturing to.

If anyone can show Trump how to force his way into Washington, it’s gonna be Mike Tyson.

You gotta make credits somehow. . .Loot crates aren’t cheap!

Torbjörn, the Amplified Maestro!

Oh, how I missed these ‘shops.

Maybe he would be good at this.

He’s the real next watercooler!

Notable predictions from Stephen A. Smith’s ancestors:

Demon: Hey man, welcome to hell, how was your brief life?

As long as people accept that their fannon is just that, I really can’t give a shit. That’s totally up to them. However, the second you try to argue to me (or just around me) that your headcanon is how things really are, I’m going to probably blow you out of the water and get unnecessarily mean about it. This seems to

I’m in the same boat for the most part. I follow the original lore but don’t mind stand alone stories that may or may not be canon (read: officially published stories never officially called canon), but the whole fan fiction thing never appealed to me. If other people like it more power to them but it isn’t for me.

It’s also a legitimately smart move on Blizz’s part. The game itself does give us all the characters personalities in the broad strokes, and the design of it is such that there are tons of subtle and not-so-subtle hints about the Overwatch universe.

Most people are going to naturally gravitate toward one character or

I like this kind of story telling, it’s very uniquely videogame letting the characters speak for themselves.

“honestly it sounds like you have a lot of bias”.

Sure. having a preference can be called having a bias, but I’m not sure what you believe I have a bias towards. Is it a bias toward controllers in general?

“ If you have that many years experience with both forms of input and still seriously believe controllers are