
Some of these gamblers might be confused about the ten minutes of codec conversation after the machine takes your money, but they just don’t understand the series’ experimental vision.

Personal favorite.

Because Anime Fan was going to ask his childhood friend who he’s always secretly loved to the prom, but then he accidentally walked in on her in the bath, and she was so angry she got a big red vein on the side of her forehead, and he tried to explain but then she PUNCHED him so hard that he LITERALLY FLEW THIRTY

This commercial was so bad it made me cry like an anime fan on prom night.

My suggestion would be: Stop viewing everything and judging everyone through a political lens. Do that and you may find that the person who disagrees with you on a few things may agree with you on many, many other things and actually be fun to be around.

What is wrong with you? “Help us find this guy” is code for “inundate this man with harassment, threats, attention, etc.” I can’t imagine sitting in my NYC office thinking “hmm, let’s bother this stranger who was videotaped by a stranger, visibly minding his own business, and intrude upon his life.” Garbage.

Or you could just leave him alone. Since, ya know, he’s a private citizen who hasn’t asked for attention alone.

Let’s NOT find this guy, ok? The Beyhive is so militant and insane that any sign of disrespect to their queen, including reading a book at her concert, is grounds for attack. Leave the guy alone.



What a bullshit question. There is a wealth of women in politics with the experience to be leaders besides Clinton. But you specifically want “experience at war”. Welp, our hands our tied.

I haven’t seen one. So . . .

I have season tickets. Went to nearly all of the games. This season made me sad. It was a collective failure.

I don’t know which of Hoiberg or Butler is to blame here (maybe both) but it seems like when old-ass Kirk Hinrich is the linchpin that holds your team together, you have some real serious problems.

I have learned to never make a decision in February or March, the craziest time of year. February is the worst, most depressing month of the year for most locations in the Northern Hemisphere. The last throws of winter darkness, cold, and nothing to celebrate or bring people together. March, days get longer and many

“Shared/open world, RPG-lite shooter” seems like this generation’s genre project. I wouldn’t be surprised if everything from Titanfall to Mass Effect drifts in that general direction.

“I was asked where I see myself in 5 years.”

As a black kid first getting into comics in the 90s, I had a pretty shitty opinion of Luke Cage. I found him embarrassing as one white writer after another just used him as the avatar of whatever they thought black culture was supposed to be. His dialog was laughable. His look was just gross. And while other heroes

HOTDISH FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!