Charging twice for destination fee, such a classic commission inflator. Its the number one reason I couldn’t sleep during my short stint as a car sales person. How is that even legal?
Charging twice for destination fee, such a classic commission inflator. Its the number one reason I couldn’t sleep during my short stint as a car sales person. How is that even legal?
No thank you.
Thanks. Its amazing how many cars dad had, and how few photos exist of them. Still looking for one of his dune buggy.
If I could afford one, the badge wouldn’t matter to me either.
Sure, but that’s a different price point. Today branding probably means less than when the original NSX arrived on the scene, but answering the original question of why its Acura here and not Honda goes back to a time when many Americans would buy a less sporty American sports car than pay a premium on a better…
When the NSX debuted Honda was seen as reliable, practical, and cheap. All the premium models were sold as Acura to set them apart anf compete against European cars and Cadillac. Lexus, and Infinity soon followed.
The new NSX starts at $156k.
I din’t know a single American that would buy a $156k Honda.
I’ve had a $75 burger. Seventy Five Dollars!! The cheese on it made it taste like feet.
So its like their Unicorn Frap designed to get us to think they are actually going to Mars like they have been saying since the last moon shot? Even though they arent, but still need our money to live off of?
Chevy S10 pickup. Cheap, reliable, easy to work on, and nobody else on track will have one. Added bonus; you can LS swap it.
Thanks Kristen. Ive been thinking along these lines for a while. Snow, pot holes, flooding all can happen in short span time. Is the car going to hit an 8 inch deep hole at speed? How long will that car last? Will it ford a 3ft deep puddle under a bridge that wasnt there an hour ago? What if the owner doesnt put snow…
In Indianapolis people completely ignor yellow lights to the point of a 2 second rule. The 2 second rule is; if I can get to the stop line within 2 seconds of it turning red, I can continue through the red light. They don’t even remotely reduce speed for a yellow. I’m shocked their aren’t more wrecks.
Lets just be happy it wasnt the Chicken Dance song.
Sucks for the kid, but there are risks in racing. His parents should have considered this and prepared for the posiblility with insurance instead of relying on the internet for a safety net.
Assuming school is already paid for; all of these are good ideas.
I will take a shot while stationary without question. While moving if there is no traffic. I can wake my phone, point without looking at the screen, and operate the shutter by voice. Once Im at my destination Ill see if I got sometging worth sharing. Driving is always my priority.
Its the worlds most boring road course. Flat narrow and mostly 90° turns. Needs to be moved into the golf course.
Even if Xfinity brought all their employees to IMS it would look empty. So its a bad race that is boring on TV, and boring in person. Im certain this restrictor plate solution is IMS’s idea because if anything makes the 500 look better they love it.
My dad has probably owned 100 cars. The Z3 was one of his favorites.
1999 Chevy Blazer. Completely reliable, and for someone working construction crews in the Midwest, practical.
The problem was it was just as meh as it was reliable. I moved it to California with me because it was reliable and to difficult to sell long distance. Selling it was the last thing I did before moving back to…