

I just read this twice and still have no fucking clue what's going on

Apparently they DO cause autism, but only in REPUBLICANS

i just shot dr pepper out my nose

that bridge looks like a fucking death trap

Oh yeah? Well I love the fact that you used the perfect angle to make sure your hideously large forehead looks normal.

Air BNB is great for San Francisco because it's completely fucking impossible to live in the city for less than two thousand dollars a month. Unless you want to split a living room with one other person and a married couple

I think a better title for this piece would be

wow. only took 5 comments for you to tell me to kill myself. you are completely deranged.

most horror movies are

who the fuck cares who is laughing at me?

BTW, I use the VPN to mask my internet traffic… sorry NSA

well there you go

you're a very stupid person

Yet again the PS comes out on top.

Every movie ever made except Ghostbusters


why prolong the inevitable?