
men put themselves at risk for alcohol use disorder if their alcohol consumption exceeds 14 drinks per week and women may be at risk if they have more than seven standard drinks per week. (A standard drink is defined as one 12-ounce bottle of beer, one 5-ounce glass of wine, or a 1.5-ounce shot of liquor.)

the fuck?

not impressed

if it made any sense we probably would.

you can put algorithms into place that prevent that. hopefully they're at least that intelligent

I just spit coffee everywhere. You've made my day

Can anyone tell me how / why these players are paling around with a family murdering psychopathic dictator?


no, you most certainly do not

doing a lot of veyron racing are you?

that thing looks ugly as shit. look at the size of the gap between the front tire and front quarter pannel. what is this 1990?

If you buy more games than you play then you're looking at a clear cut case of consumerism gone bad. I bet you have alot of clothes you don't wear too. Time to get help.

I'll take it

It is dead, but not for those reasons

hey maybe this will finally solve the audi only plague of one headlight shorting out

Looks like I'm never buying american again

Hey great, now I can walk across Boston in one day too

I fixed the title of the article for you

best. ever.

I'mma need those digits when you get out girl