
My dad did the same thing to me. On hills, I was not allowed to use the hand brake or the foot brake to cheat to start off. You really have to know your car and its clutch very well to be able to do that!

I'm sure that Chikungunya is a very serious illness to contract and I sure wouldn't want to get it or would not wish it on anyone. But what I'm wondering is this: why wouldn't Miss Lohan go back to New York during the holiday period for two weeks (or Los Angeles) instead of Bora Bora and work on her community service

Your story has really touched me and I'm so worried for you, internet stranger!

I watched it on an airplane trip and enjoyed it very much. I have not seen all of the other films, though, so I don't know how it will stand against the others. I don't think it has enough drama in it to go for Best Picture, though. That's just my guess.

I cannot star your comment enough times. I live in Norway, and if you go to emergency care or the hospital for routine care, like a broken bone or something else that is routine, they are fine to treat you for that. But for cancer, oh my, I don't ever want to get cancer here. The doctors and everyone else takes the

I started cutting. I don't tell people I was raped. I keep it all locked inside. I don't want to see those looks of pity on their faces. So many consequences to getting raped.

I don't have puppy gifs, but I will offer hugs *hugs* My husband and I went through a tough time a few years ago. He told me he didn't love me any more, wasn't in love and wanted some time. I happened to be in a different country at the time, so I just stayed away and gave him his time. I wanted time to myself, too.

I have never seen even one episode of Dawson's Creek, but the Beek as you call him totally won my heart when he played a caricature of himself in The B- in Apartment 23. He was so adorable in that show. I hate that it got canceled.

Yes, I do mean fully-justified. Thanks for the clarification. And yes, you're probably right on the display resolutions—things have gotten much, much, much better on that front since the early 2000's, and the research I read was probably written well before that in the late 1990's! I haven't been in a college reading

I read some research on readability when I was working on my master's degree in technical writing, and one of the things that really helps readability is left justifying your text instead of center justifying. The ragged right edge allows the eye to remember and track better where you are in the paragraph and lets you

how does one actually get confidence and stop caring about what others think about you and start doing things you've been wanting to do, but don't because you feel like you'll suck at it?

As a former school teacher, I can't recommend enough that you put in writing your side of the story. This is sooooo important. Also important that you put in there the lengths that the other little girl goes to to get to your house just in order to harass your little girl. Keep the language cool and fact based. Try to

I'm not at all surprised. I think you'd spend your money better buying a fresh loaf of French bread, mayo, mustard, and lunch meat in the grocery store and making your own sandwiches than you would spending it on fast food. But sometimes you get in a lurch and have to have food, so I understand the need for quick a

My bad. It's called something else, the Big Mac Meny, I think. That's what he orders. He gets the equivalent of a Whopper at McDonald's. You're a dick, don't be deliberately obtuse. And yes, I live in both Norway and Texas, but obviously not at the same time as the laws of physics don't actually allow for that

The prices to dine out in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway are insanely expensive. I live in Norway, and it costs roughly 3-4 times the cost to dine out here as it does in the United States (in Texas where I live). We don't go to McDonald's often, but when we do, I buy a Happy Meal (don't judge), my husband gets a Whopper

You've gotten many good responses here. I think each person's cure for adult acne is very individual. But going to a dermatologist is a good first step. You find out if your problem is hormonal or bacterial and then treat accordingly. If you can't take BC, or have some other underlying hormone issues that are

Kalinda's husband story line was really awful. It was really great of the Kings to respond to their fans and get that off the air as fast as possible. The writers really know their audience and know what we like, don't they? But more Kalinda, yes, please! I was really, really, really upset when Will died. I thought,

There were many outstanding moments during last night's telecast, but this exchange was the top of my list. The Good Wife writers are just on fire. Last season was tops, and I have high hopes for this season, too. They are so consistently good at delivering excellently written episodes, and the actors, well the actors

Cutest darned beagle in the world caught me with a Clementine (orange) one Christmas that I had forgotten to eat on the plane! You think, "Oh, I'm the lucky one that he's sitting here going to talk to!" And then the officer comes over and delivers the bad news that you've got contraband somewhere on you!

She's just flawless and magnificent. Her wardrobe is divine. I love that show. I signed the petition to get a third season and was notified that they are going to bring it back for a third. Soooo excited!