
I'd love to see a cartoon of a prison full of pictures of dicks, because that's where my mind went when I read your comment. That would make my day.

Ponds and a washcloth is all I've ever used.

Even if you do everything that he/she wants of you, it will never be enough, because he/she will always want more, the next thrill, because he/she is addicted to sex or is self-medicating something else with sex. It is a truly horrible position to be in, to be asked to do something out of your comfort zone sexually,

Me, too. When I say, "Bless your heart," it is not meant as irony or as something ironic or mean spirited. And the people who use this expression never use it in that way either. I think the people who use it on this site in that way have misappropriated it. It can be said in that way, but in truth, southern

If you think Riesling is bitter, then try a Pinot Gris. It is a very sweet dessert wine from the Alsace region of France. I like sweet wines, and I like the Pinot Gris very much.

Mine, too. But since I divorced that husband, I don't really care what happens to it. I kept thinking I would donate it, but who would want it now? It was really stylish at the time. hahaha

When I was a kid, my underwear always had holes in them and the elastic was always torn. I rarely got new underwear for some reason. I don't know why. I just vowed that when I got to be an adult and had the money and could buy my own underwear that I would always have nice underwear. So as soon as a pair of underwear

I echo what Macro said below. Wash as much of the blood out from the other side of your undies with water as you can. Then pour some hydrogen peroxide on the the stain and let it sit there. It will bubble up. Pour some more on it after the bubbles stop and let it stand for a bit. Then throw in the washer. I ruin

Did I confuse sex with love? Yes. Did I have sex with someone I shouldn't have? Yes. Did I have sex with someone and later regret it? Absolutely. Each of these decisions to have sex, though, were mine (with one exception, when I was raped, which I won't go into here). And even though some were mistakes, they were

Were you disappointed with the ending/last season?

Are you having true anxiety attacks and/or generalized anxiety disorder that has been diagnosed by a mental health professional? I have generalized anxiety and suffer some anxiety attacks at times. I take an anti-anxiety pill that keeps me from over worrying and over obsessing and allows my mind to calm down and to

I saw down thread that you said that you were giving your dog Taste of the Wild. I don't know what you were giving him/her before, but Taste of the Wild is a no-grain food. It's extremely rich. We found that the bison formula is rougher on my guy's tummy than the fish formula, so we give him less of the bison formula

This was a long time ago. In the south. Don't ya' know? I think the exact words were, "an unopened package of cigarettes."

I thought I was an opened pack of cigarettes. How messed up is that?

I also got Desiree. I love Bernadette Peters. But WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

My mother-in-law does acupuncture for her allergies in the spring. She says it helps her.

I feel your pain. I tried having this discussion with relatives, and, let's just say that it did not go well. Trying to explain to them that we cannot allow businesses to dictate their employees sex lives and reproductive choices based on the business owners' religious beliefs because of where that could go...well,

Any idea what the name of the whole video is? I think it's a great video and I wouldn't mind doing these exercises for myself. They seem just gentle enough for my arthritic body that I might be able to do them.

That poor child, to be trapped in a car seat and to be physically and mentally abused by the person who is supposed to be protecting you? If he would do that kind of physical violence to a child in public, just imagine what he would do in private.

Gah, so lucky!