
When I send a text without punctuation at the end, it is the coldest fucking blow I can deliver. It's my way of saying that my apathy toward you outweighs even my grammar.

Most of my reading has been on cholesterol and insulin resistance, so I don't know much about this particularly (haven't had the time or energy to do the reading on it yet) but there's a lot of information out there on sugar 'feeding' cancer.

I find your experiences to be very interesting! I am just starting the menopause. Before it started, I was very calm and even keeled. When I ran out of estrogen, my temper and moods became very volatile. And now that I'm on estrogen, I'm more calm again, but I can tell that I am not as calm as I was before. It is an

A good time is had by all when Gabourey is on my tv screen :)

The correct term would have to be "ensure" and not "insure" anyway. :)

I try not to think about my rape any more. It was 30 years ago, date rape, and happened repeatedly. I was so innocent and naive and trusting. I try my best not to think about it, but it colored nearly every decision, as you know. My rapist was not punished, and even tried to friend me on Facebook. I wish I had said

I cannot at this time articulate why, but I adore Mellie. She is articulate, witty, intelligent, wears fantastically beautiful clothes, and is so funny when drinking her daddy's hooch. And I like how, when someone tries to put her down, she doesn't let them, which is the exact opposite of myself. I tend to shut down

I taught in the Texas public school system for 15 years. The rules for having an assembly or taking the kids out of class for anything are very strict. If you're going to take your students on a field trip, for example, you have to show that what you are doing directly pertains to your subject matter in some way.

Hey, follow through with what your doctor says, and I'm sure you'll be fine. I, too, had HPV and was in a high risk category. I had to have regular Pap smears very often for a year, but the virus went away on its own, so I was very lucky, and you will be, too. Let's think positively about it!

I read this article in the Huffington Post when it was first published. The scholarly research in it claims that the clitoris extends up into the woman's body 3.5 inches! The more ya' know ;)

I really appreciate what you're doing here! I have been out of the loop for a long time. I don't know what reform math is. I reckon it's what I was probably taught in the 70's and what they taught beyond that? I know that in the first district that I taught in, many of the elementary school teachers math education was

So sorry to hear about your mother's cancer returning. My mother is also battling cancer. Her throat tumor has returned, along with a lymph node. She's done chemo and radiation, but this time they want to do chemo and radiation together, and she'll have to have a feeding tube, because the radiation will burn her

You haven't directly asked this question, but I just wanted to say that my kids that had/have the most trouble with algebra and geometry, are those kids who did not have their times tables memorized. A lot of upper-level math, the way it seems to be taught, is looking for patterns, and if you can't see the patterns in

That looks like Wynona Ryder to me.

I don't think Nicole has much/any contact with the kids from her time with Cruise, likely for the SP thing.

I have regularly waited in lines an hour long or more at Schipol (sp?), Oslo, and in London for security and immigration checks. I have even missed my connecting flights because of standing those lines.

I took Neurontin, which may be a similar drug to this one. I took it for migraine headaches. I was on a very high dose of it for several years, but I titrated down over a long period, several months. It was still HELL for me to get off of it. I had those brain freeze things for weeks afterwards. It was really horrible

You've gotten some good advice here on anxiety. I've had anxiety on and off my whole life. Now when I look back on it, it seems to have always been linked to an underlying physical ailment that I would have had that would not have been being addressed. The first time I had a yeast infection and other ailments that

What you describe sounds like what my brother did. He only drank after work hours and on weekends. He was also high-functioning. But he drank up to a liter, maybe more, of vodka a day after work hours and would pass out on the couch. During the day while he was at work, he didn't drink, so he would de-tox those hours.

What bitcholympian1 has said is the best advice you can get here on this topic. Teach her to respect herself. Keep those lines of communication open. Make sure that she wants to come to YOU when she has a problem and needs to talk.