
I am going through the "change" now, and I am learning so much about hormones through this process. During pregnancy, your body is flooded with progesterone, which is supposed to be a very calming hormone to most women. After pregnancy, your body stops making it, which is why some women experience post-partum

My brother married the third woman he met through an online dating site. She's a lovely, lovely woman and is perfect for him. I'm not sure of the site that he used, but I believe it was one that you pay for. He told me that he went through an online dating site because with work and other commitments (he plays guitar

I'm a Virginia, too! While growing up, I loathed it, but now, I have to say, it's growing on me. All my friends had the cute , short names. Even my middle name is a mile long. My mother wanted to name me Dana, but the neighbor girl had taken that name. And then my dad named me while my mother was under the "gas." My

My rapist was cold sober when he raped me.

I'm also a lady ;) Every time you change the oil, you should also change the oil filter—you can take the used oil to your auto parts store and they will dispose of it for you. I can also change the air filter and the spark plugs. I can put in new windshield wipers and change the fuses. Lots of guides can be found

Care to share your recipe? It sounds delicious!

Greg Louganis was a phenomenal athlete. I watched that Olympics when he hit his head and remember it vividly. It really caused a brouhaha when it came out that he was HIV+. I felt so badly on his behalf, because it was obvious how badly HE felt himself about it. Empathy pains I guess. He handled it with such dignity

I googled, "how to talk to a young child about abortion" and a lot of hits came up. Maybe you could start with that? I don't know how mature your daughter is or how much you want to start with telling her now, but you might find something in one of the links that will guide you. You could say something like this,

I'll be back at Christmas time. I can't wait. I miss home, I miss my family and friends. Texas has wonderful qualities that when you live in a foreign country you find that you miss. The people are actually quite friendly compared to other places. Compared to where I live now, people are so much more friendly, they

You are the bombdiggity. I can't wait until I'm back in Texas and can finally meet you!

Thank you so much for your good wishes! My uncle's cancer had spread all over his body very quickly, so they just focused on making him as comfortable as possible. My mother's cancer doctor gave her three types of chemo—two for the cancer and one for the HPV (she will probably get the HPV meds the rest of her life).

I've been following all the responses to your thread. I really hope some of the suggestions work out for you! One of my brothers died of cirrhosis of the liver and the other is a recovering alcoholic. I don't drink much. I believe you when you say that people give you a hard time about not drinking. My husband says

Whichever cancer type she had in her throat tumor, it was the same type that my uncle had in his lungs, which killed him last summer. They both got their diagnoses at the same time, but he died of his cancer. His cancer had spread all over his body faster, too, and he was not able to get treatment. My mother has had

My mother is now 75, and she has a throat tumor that keeps coming back because of the HP virus. As I understand from her oncologist, the tumor (and her her affected lymph nodes) were made of 2/3 cancer cells and 1/3 of the virus. So in her case anyway, the virus is not actually the cancer, but it did keep bringing the

I use oven cleaner, then I take a little safety razor blade and scrape off the stuck on bits. Works like a charm.

I had to go and watch the clip, because she just has the greatest hair ever, and I loved her on FNL. Then she started talking about putting essential oils in her bath water. Then I got all distracted wondering which ones she uses. :)

Kinja has been loading and re-loading comments at will to me for a couple of weeks to me. And then some comment discussions will be completely gone. I have to hit the "K" button to re-load, but then they will almost instantly disappear. I have found that if I re-load the page in my browser, the comments will sometimes

Men are required to take a certain percentage of the first year's parenting leave off from work, and in the last few years here, that percentage was raised to how much the man had to take off from work.

What the everliving fuck was that I just read??? Why didn't you delete that monstrosity? Can't you delete it or get rid of it? Who can?

Red Band Trailer is the best. I wish she was coming out with new videos for it.