June De Plume

"What if people were running around in KKK costumes?" asked David, who said his friends complained to the administration about the "Black Power" photo. "That's what I call left-wing extremism."

Nope - I agree. I loved the show in the early seasons, the later seasons have been terrible. I didn't even know Yahoo had it's own streaming service. I kind of just feel bad for the cast now - stuck on Yahoo with tens of people watching while they could be signing on for better shows.

So I LOVED Community...I really did. But I'm just gonna say it, I think it's time for it to be over. Sorry?

What's with the random rudeness?

I don't blame him for the initial use of the hashtag...I'm sure the average privileged white male is not aware of the connotation behind the word "thinspiration." Fine. But WOW, way to react when people call you out! What an idiot.

And that's the most fibre you will EVER get out of a KFC.

That was my exact hope with this! It's actually kind of an interesting topic to me because I really wanted to find out what others think of this. I had a second thought last night (like PLEASE DON'T LET THIS TURN INTO BODY HAIR WARS XXXVII). It doesn't always have to be a war of opinions! We can just listen to each

This is one of the rare times on Jezebel where everyone has different experiences and reasons and it hasn't devolved into bickering and dissent.

I have gone through shaving and not shaving periods. It was great when I would come home from college and my mom would pay me $5 to shave my armpits and legs before we saw my grandmothers. I also have light hair privilege, when I don't shave you can't really tell.

The irony there being that one of Sirius Black's few redeeming qualities is his distaste for hate speech whereas Gary is evidently thinking "I mean who HASN'T wanted to just yell 'mudblood' aren't we ALL secretly thinking it?"

Yes, people use words like "Asshat", Asshole", Fucking dickhead", "motherfucker", and "what the fuck is fucking wrong with you, you fucking fuck?" (These are mine.)

I've never used a racial slur. That doesn't qualify me for a medal; it makes me an average, relatively decent person, I think. Oldman must be hanging around the wrong people.

Does Gary Oldman really think that Jewish people are constantly complaining about Germans? Unless we're literally talking about Nazis, we Jews don't care if you're German. And I've never heard any of my Jewish friends say "kraut" unless we're discussing toppings on a Reuben sandwich. But that's cool, Gary. If it makes

I don't know about Mel. He got drunk and said a few things, but we've all said those things. We're all fucking hypocrites. That's what I think about it. The policeman who arrested him has never used the word nigger or that fucking Jew? I'm being brutally honest here. It's the hypocrisy of it that drives me crazy.

Oldman Yells at Cloud.

Yeah, that story is just charming. Not offensive, an easy mistake to make, but still silly. The wife's reaction makes it.

I worked for a short while in customer service for an ISP and one day this guy calls (not a customer) and demands that we call his neighbour (a customer) and ask that they disable the password for their w-fi because he could no longer access the Internet since his neighbour enabled password protection. He even

So i guess Sting won't be giving his kids his fields of gold? I hope he tells them this face to face and not with a message in a bottle. I mean i know his one kid told a paper he had a dream of walking on the moon, Sadly he's very fragile and he's been so lonely since he told his girlfriend that he couldn't stand

When I picked back up and explained to her that she had eaten the ice pack but good news, it's non-toxic, she yelled at me for putting her on hold, because she is very busy and doesn't have time to wait on hold. Busy eating ice packs, I guess."