June De Plume

Yah fuck that, I'm going to Peru instead.

I also autumn and spring in the same place.

My favorite tidbit is that this dude's book is called Philistine at the Hedgerow. I'm hoping it contains the line, "Come quick, Cecilia. There's a philistine at the hedgerow. Speak in a whisper or it will fly away." (But I will look it up and get back to you.)

Well, I'm stuck summering in the same place I winter. Oh, you rich folks.

Rich people hate rich people for not being the right kind of rich people, news at 11.

I thought it was because his character has shown the most growth and development out of all of them. But I don't watch KUWTK.

My family definitely all think I'm insane for having [the kids] in the bed and breastfeeding them for forever. I couldn't care less.

only some commenters. #notallcommenters

Because controlling all variables is important.

To be fair, people really should shout "AVAST" more often.

I am living in Sudan, and this difference between how people actually talk and the way everything is written is everywhere. In Sudanese Arabic, for example, 'stop' is 'ageef.' What's written on stop signs, however, is 'khifa.' When I noticed this, my friend explained to me that if you actually said khifa, you would

I would normally strain my eyeballs hearing someone talk about hugging both sides of the heart or whatever, but I'm with you. Woodley just makes me smile. Even if she's a little kooky, I think she's got a good heart.

I don't think any of us here would think there was something bad about it, but we're in our little feminist corner of the internet here. I think most people I know would regard that as a tiresome feminist tirade at best and hostile at worst.

Call me naive, but I rather Woodley be going around with that hippie talk than have to hear about Miley Cyrus pseudo-scandals... Maybe she isn't being honest, and maybe she is trying too hard to seem cool and different. Nonetheless it is an alternative expression of what fame can mean for somebody and it shows girls

I'm with you. What were they booing?

I feel stupid asking this, but why would the audience boo over that statement? I don't understand what was bad about it.

How do you expect me to grow, if you don't let me blow?

With every stranger, she embraced the right side of the body and then the left, to give equal time, as she sees it, to both sides of the heart

How do we expect men to respect women or women to rise to more power when we don't respect our queendom in the same way that men respect their kingdom?

She made a lot more money than him for the vast majority of their life together. She can afford to dress nicely thanks to herself, thankyouverymuch.