June De Plume

Nice phallic symbol.

This is integrity. Trying to pretend that blackface never happened is not integrity. The assistant was an idiot.

You don't say, Big Earl!

I do not have words to describe how happy I am to know Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas are a real life couple. I want to go rewatch OUaT with this brilliant bit of the world fresh in my mind.

Oddly enough, I found it an interesting look into a beauty standard I previously knew nothing about. Now I can feel inadequate because I don't have a tooth gap!

You should read Bim Adewunmi's original piece. I'm not refusing to speak out about sexism, just recognizing that in this case I do not have the point of reference to critique the app.

I was feeling pretty good about myself 'till I ran the conversion rate.

"I want a woman who's really smart. Nope smarter than that. Smarter...smarter...NO WAIT TOO SMART!"

Super Premium Babe now retails for $1,650.00 USD?

Down here in Texas, the men put it like this: "I know this is politically incorrect..." (sometimes using air quotes to make it clear their contempt for political correctness, because that's determined by people that live in Noo Yawk, and we know enough about them types); the women generally preface anything supremely

Not really, they're still American so their spelling is suspect at best

But not to the UK, we don't do spelling bees here.

Where are our American kids?

I think for some babies that picture would just remind them they are hungry.

Yes she is a singer and she is very successful outside America, but a lot of Americans like to downplay her success.

This makes me physically sick.

It was super funny. I still joke about putting flowers in the middle of bundt cakes haha.

I still watch this on a somewhat regular basis. It's hilarious and sweet and who cares if it's cheesy?

I know it was super cheesy, but I really liked My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Mostly because I come from a loud, matriarchal, bossy family that loves each other like crazy while driving each other crazy, except we're Latin/Italian instead of Greek. It was like every character was someone in my family, down to me marrying a

My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding sequel?!?