
It can be frustrating to have a serious or just amusing point to share and there is a really good chance no one will ever see it. Or the right people not see it. It would seem like if you consistently post and aren't obviously a dick you could be moved from the greys. I know it doesn't wo like that but just a thought.

I mostly watch all my shows on Hulu and it's just the same ads over and over. Although I do love hearing that song on the trailer for that Showtime show Affair.

Reading this made my heart race. I don't think you are being paranoid. His behavior and responses to your questioning sound suspect and it's not cool for him to discuss your private conversations with her. The fact that he asked her why she thought he was attractive makes me think he enjoys however she is making him

Not enough people I know like hockey. I would rather watch two random teams I don't root for than two random NBA teams. I mean the Stanley Cup playoffs are awesome. GO KINGS!

It's on Netflix now, I added it to my queue this morning. I thought it wasn't going to be on until the 22nd so I was pleasantly surprised.

Bakersfield, CA. It's unfortunately one of the Republican counties in California. If I see another ad for Kevin McCarthy I am going to flip out.

Eating grilled cheese and binge watching Naruto:Shipping (sub) on Hulu. The manga is ending after 15 years and I will for real sink into a deep dark black hole if Sasuke and Sakura do not become canon.

Congrats! Your post just reminded me of the 100 or so people I saw posted near the local Planned Parenthood protesting with their ridiculous signs... and children. Seriously, what kind of terrible person has their 5-10 years old holding anti-abortion signs? Not to mention the obvious distress they are causing all of

At what point do you stop liking or supporting something? I found Rihanna mocking the girl going to prom in an unfortunate dress to be mean-spirited and in poor taste, but it didn't stop me from listening to her music or looking forward to her new album. Still love her style and general vibe. Last night however I

A Smash Bros. poster is also available through Club Nintendo for 700 coins.

Uh, we are talking about Derrick Rose and not Paul George right? I Must have missed the whole fucking strippers thing. Source?

Thank the Gods you aren't in the greys 'cause I don't have the power to pull you out, but this should definitely have more stars.

Yes he gets injured, but it's 'cause he plays with his heart and soul. Not to mention he is a respectful, genuine man who loves his city and family. Did you see the interview with his mother when he won mvp? I love this dude. I guess people want more fucking Lebrons. Like you I am a cross between wanting to fuck him

Dita VonTeese is a "normie". She looks like a totally different person.

Besides Rihanna all the pictures I've seen of Drake with women have been big girls. Now they aren't necessarily traditional plus size women but more so overweight with fake breasts and butts so idk. My crush on him is waning lately with all his nonsense though.

Yeah no kidding, my biggest lie involves a federal crime and I'm not sure of any statue of limitations, so...

Just try it out with your Black friends.

And they were married, not just a "baby mama". And she was reportedly cheating on him but cool, he left his baby mama.

If you only watch the gif Makonnen is already on the ground. Bottle man has to hurdle him to dive off.

I figured it wasn't going to be number one, but to not have it on the list at all... That is insane. No tortilla soup but peanut soup is on here. Like hot melted peanut butter or what?