
I do this a couple times a week too, but it's usually the $3 wine from Walgreens that is only like 13% alcohol. That's just flavored water. I'm at home, the kids are taken care of and I'm not driving anywhere so I think it's fine. Getting up at 6:30 the next morning is occasionally a little slow but I blame that on

I didn't want to be too crude which is funny 'cause I went into lots of detail on the Buzzfeed bathroom habits post yesterday. For real though, JoMo is so hot and he's married to a sista which always makes me secretly happy.

Yes, yes it is. But the cinematography is fantastic. What's gory is the murder of the week killing. The victims are usually done up quite a bit, but the cannibalism is usually just implied. Hannibal is preparing these really elaborate meals that look very pretty, no hair or anything. I would buy his cookbook.

My kids, 10 and six, had a yo-yo guy come perform at their school last year and they loved it. We had to order the light-up yo-yos that do tricks. I was pleasantly surprised they were into it 'cause they will spend the entire day playing video games if they could.

I loved Misfits. The new show The Flash kind of reminds me of it, with normies aquiring supernatural powers. Antonia Thomas is so beautiful and talented I can't believe she isn't well known in the US.

Love and Hate? I recently finished watching the third season. Nidge was such a douche.

Thank you for going. I'm on Twitter every evening following this. After the shooting of Vonderrit Myers I wanted to get on a plane from California to St. Louis. Broke, alone, and not knowing anyone there I just felt it in my soul that I wanted to be there protesting. I didn't go then but I will definitely check out

The CW is a guilty pleasure for me. The Originals is one of my favorites. I tried watching Vampire Diaries but I didn't like ANY of the characters, but The Originals is a million times better and keeps the relationships to a minimum. I would also cut off a finger to "meet" Joesph Morgan.

The Borgias from Showtime or that other one? The one that was on Showtime with Francois Arnaud playing Cesare Borgia is one of my favorites. He plays the role so well and I'm not ashamed to say I shipped Cesare and Lucrezia.

Salad and binge watching Hannibal season two. Season one is available for streaming if you have Amazon Prime. This show is absolutely amazing, plus Mads Mikkelsen.

How were they prepared? Over easy? Hard boiled?

NO. Sometimes you just want to stay home, get fucked up, binge watch K-dramas and drunk text people. Nothing wrong with that.

I had my tubes tied at 27 and my obgyn tried to talk me out of it. She said they prefer not to perform the procedure on women under 30. I really wanted to say "Look bitch (I don't mean that but someone else telling me what to do with my body and my whole entire future...) if I had a time machine I would not have any

Ditto. Time to start crossing things off the bucket list.

Who the hell doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom?

I pee way too often for that.

Bowl blaster, lol. I may use that instead of mud pit.

Ok so... My bathroom mirror streches from basically the bathroom door to the shower. The toilet is right next to the shower. The majority of the wiping is done sitting down, but followed by a few wipes standing up turned to look in the mirror. While standing you do have to spread a little though. TMI.

My husband. Part of his charm I guess.

Just in time for Fall. Pumpkin Spice ball gag.