
The correct party to blame is not ‘the coronavirus’ or ‘cars being parked for extended periods of time’. It is ‘ass-holes, who don’t feel that working hard in order to buy something is a viable option’.  

Unless the relationship with Maserati was different, the sultan’s modifications were generally approved and completed by the manufacturer or an in-house unit.

I was just coming here to talk about the first time my grandparents got a talking car an the first REAL dad joke I remember my father making. I'm sure there were others before and I KNOW there were plenty after, but "it's not a jar, it's a door" is definitely the one I remember

I think they’ve gotta be registered, too. Seems unlikely that either of them is, but I’m not about to sit through that Shaky-Cam video again to figure it out.

some jellybean looking CUV”

Not only that, but I have to scroll all the way down, click “Show comments,” then scroll all the way down again because it loads the page from the top. I mean, how do you take something that was working just fine and fuck it up this bad? Just leave it alone.

Broncos don’t have a center diff. They did have locking hubs though. Maybe you neglected to lock them?

Um...If this is not obvious to you, I am concerned about your mental well being.

Goddamn kudos to Ford for making a vehicle, and packages with goddamn names.

These were junky little trucks then and they are even junkier with age.

You are right you separated yourself from the knowledgeable people on this site.

So, what are they training the police for?

I don’t see truck nutz locally.  Maybe it’s because most bumpers are scraping the ground while the aftermarket LEDs try to blind airplanes

This is what almost every pickup and Jeep looks like now since apparently people need 3 foot light bars to drive around on a sunny day.

In a boat....... this boat. Let’s turn the old Viper plant into a boat building plant.

Structural foam xD

Keep on looking at it until you realize it needs to go.

Once I discovered how, I tied nooses in dangling ropes and strings many times in my 48 years of boredom. I’m 99% sure that I tied one in a garage door rope before. I’ve also played that “hangman” game dozens of times. But never once had a thought about lynching or anything race related entered my mind. I’m not sure

I remember as a kid that I used to tie ropes and extension cords into a noose. It had nothing in my mind to do with slavery and lynching black people, it was because Robin Hood Prince of Thieves had come out on VHS and I was watching it religiously.