
The one in my C-Max worked great at 274k miles. The problem with them is the transmissions, the bearings aren’t great. Mine was on it’s 3rd one. I discovered this when I had to change mine out at 265k miles earlier this year. I ran the numbers on the one I pulled out and it was from a 2016 Fusion. Supposedly the 2016-2

My great uncle had one of these in Burgundy.

Interesting conundrum - is there a V8 stick one left, or have they all been excessively modded (best case) or wrapped around trees (worst case.)

Ours was the 2.5, but I’ve seen all engines in this car have the same problem.

Yep, I had a Acura CL, and a co-worker got a Civic a few years ago.  Side by side they were almost the same size.

I was in high school when this car was in it’s heydey.  Seemed like the girls got the Berlinetta with the V6, while the guys either got a 4 cyl stripper special, or a Z28; although the Mustang was more popular.

Same here. You’re lucky it survived drag racing, they had a terrible problem with motor mounts and motor mount brackets breaking, in particular the front upper one.

I still have a BMW convertible with a 5 speed, so I definitely get the fun of a manual and still enjoy it. However, I’m also a delivery driver and my knees are starting to wear out. My previous mentioned C-Max was totaled last month, and I had to drive the BMW for a month, and noticed the aches starting to come back

So I did the drive to Charlotte last Friday. I left from my new city at 10:40, arrived at my destination in Charlotte at 3:20. It’s 30 minutes from my new city to my old city (it’s 20 minutes farther east,) so drop it from 4:40 time to 4:10 time. Then, I had about 40 minutes in stop time (fueling, eating, rest stops)

Just like vaccines. Some people will suffer from complications up to and including dying, they probably aren’t the same people who would suffer from the disease, but overall the amount of sickness and death from whichever disease is being vaccinated against is greatly reduced, so we mandate the vaccine.

Saw two CTs being trucked on a flatbed in NC yesterday.  Undoubtedly being shipped to the RTP area.

What is considered ‘speeding’ to you?  Was the speed limit set by the AAHSTO standard 85% speed?  Or was it arbitrarily set by some local politician who had some old lady breathing down his neck about people ‘flying down the road’?

There are other differences, like a 2 lane 55 mph road passing through several towns with 25 mph speed limits was gradually replaced with a 4 lane divided highway. But the increased speed limit has reduced traffic on some of the worst sections as well because of throughput. For instance outside of Raleigh it used to

I whole-heartedly disagree about speed limits.  When my family moved to our current city, it took 2 hours + to drive to Raleigh NC.  We now have a 70 mph speed limit highway where traffic regularly moves at 79 mph.  You can now get to Raleigh in just over an hour.  Charlotte used to take 5 hours, now you can do it in

But weight that against mileage.  For instance I have a full size truck, but I don’t drive it but 10% of the mileage I do my hybrid.

Or take the US route that parallels most interstates.

Their insurance will pay by charging poorer people who don’t live on the beach more.

I fail to see your point. You mean it’s 25% that’s going to break GM, a company that made 10.1 billion last year? Also, nothing is stopping them from reinvesting profits into city/state charities without the money from the citizens of Michigan.

My first drive in a CVT was in a Mini, and I hated it. Surprisingly my second was in a Jeep Compass and it was much better. I’ve been driving a C-Max hybrid for the past 5 years (it was totaled the day after Thanskgiving - not my fault) and like the CVT in it. It always chose the right thing to do, and was a zippy,

I don’t think it’s a bad looking paint job.