
All the school zones in my area fall into 2 categories: 1st is the older schools built in towns. They have 25 mph limits in a 1 hour window around school starting and ending. The newer schools are built out of town and everyone is bussed or driven in by parents. They MAY have a 45 mph zone in the 1 hour windows

Well, someone will find the problem with a baseball bat eventually.  I found Dave Ramsey to be like most things - he offers some good advice, particularly for getting out of extreme debt, but after that he goes off the deep end.

To expand on this shifting to permanent DST effectively means the ‘standard’ work day should just be 8-4.  Except we’re too soft to get up that early, so we have to CHANGE TIME in order to make it palatable to the masses.

I’m not going to enjoy the sunrise no matter what time it happens.

OK. So in truth I’m against switching the clocks. We should stick to one time all the time, the sudden change is what leads to so many of the problems with DST.

Yes, I am very anti-DST. It screws me up for 2 weeks every time the clocks change. It’s not good for children, and it doesn’t really do anything for people not on a 9-5 schedule. Heart attacks spike in the spring, and deadly car crashes rise at both time changes.

How many people are taking advantage of the sun at 5:25? We don’t need sunlight until after 9p in the summer, ~8 is fine - plus it makes it easier to put children to bed.

Are people really using that sunlight at 5:25, either?

Preach the gospel, brother.

Since I’ve moved 5 years ago to a place where I have a 30 minute commute to work at 5:30pm, every fall there is a rash of accidents on the couple of days after the clock changes due to people not being used to the dark so early. So rather than the natural progress of days getting shorter, we make it take a huge drop

They went to permanent DST in the experiment, not permanent ST.

They tried going to permanent DST in 1974. We need to go back to Standard time.

True, but it really only matters for a couple of months in the spring and fall. In the middle of the summer daylight last far too long in the evening, and the sun still comes up before most people wake up.  Conversely, in the middle of the winter the sun doesn’t rise until people are awake and it sets before people

All time zone borders in the US extend too far to the west.  For instance all of Michigan should be in the Central Time Zone (as should Indiana.)  However, when RR companies devised the time zone, many states wanted to be in the same time zone as New York City, the hub of business in the US at the time.

Well said, and I bet all of these delightful people would be shocked how I actually voted.

In my state you are supposed to return the old plates back to the DMV, and if you cancel your insurance before you do so you’ll be paying a fee to the state to get them reinstated.

It had no problem driving a head unit and a small amp (35W per channel.) There isn’t a lot of draw on a stock VW Beetle to keep it running.  Basically it’s ignition and lights.

Sure, that’s why people are fleeing the high tax states and coming to low tax states, where they mysteriously start voting red.

Funny you should mention that.  I originally had a generator, and on hard bass notes it would kill the engine due to current draw.  I upgraded to an alternator and problems went away.

Sure. No help in California for earthquakes or wildfires, either. Or in the midwest or southeast after a tornado. Why do we spend government money plowing the roads in the north, it snows there frequently every winter, people should have vehicles that can get through that, after all, they choose to live there.