
I’m even cheaper, I have an old Checkmate Outboard that throws very little wake if I want to ski, and a old Formula 242 with a 454 I bought just before Covid If I just want to cruise around.

That annihilates the shoreline and other boats when the huge wave hits them.

Caramel and Salted Caramel are two very different flavors and shouldn’t be combined as a category. I live caramel. I do not like salted caramel, and hate how it’s seemingly taking over every good plain caramel treat that exists.

Not really.

Toyota had the same problem in the Corolla engine. Basically they made the oil return holes in the piston rings too small to reduce emissions, they would get carboned up, then the engine would start burning oil at a prodigious rate. A rate so fast, in fact, that if you didn’t keep close check you could seize up

see below

That they were.

The terrible reliability of 3.5L Troopers probably shook off all the remaining Isuzu fans left in the US.  Problems include bad oil consumption (mine got as bad as 1qt/200 miles and transmission failures (mine also had this.)  Top that off with essentially being a less off-road friendly Trooper, and yeah, no one

I saw the last eclipse from my boat in SC - so pretty cool event. I was thinking about driving from NC to see this one, but driving time to somewhere likely to have no clouds in April is pretty far, and closer locations are farther north and more likely to be a disappointment weather wise, so I think I’ll just stay

I read a recent article (perhaps on this very site) that once you were done with the free gas, the price to refill was insanely high, like over $100

That’s what they sell because that’s what they built.

I wanted to like this season.  But having seen the final episode (which I was surprised was last night - thought the series would have more episodes) I was distinctly underwhelmed.  Better than season 2, but worse than 1 and 3.

I suppose that might be cool if you’ve got a lot of money, but having experienced a couple of eclipses, I think being on the ground is the way to go, part of the experience is the totality (I see what I did there) of the event.  By this I mean the sky gradually darkening, and the special light effects during totality,

No, it costs everyone.

And Domino’s is a technology company that happens to sell pizza.  And their technology sucks.

Yep, first Karma I saw in the wild was like jaw-droppingly gorgeous.  I saw a car carrier full of Oceans late last year, and was also impressed by the looks.


I call that the Frito-Lay effect.  They used to occasionally offer bags of chips at BOGO prices.  So I would buy them.  Then the BOGO prices seemed to be every other week.  So then I would stock up on BOGO weeks, and never buy at full price.  But now the regular prices is so high that the BOGO price is what the

That’s a shame, because the man designs some fantastic looking vehicles.

What percentage of the market do they represent?