
It makes a lot of sense for a chain to have a central facility to do make the dough. I’ve worked at pizza chains that have done it both ways, and I can tell you from first hand experience that the made in the store dough was of significantly worse quality. The big factor is dough has to be proofed for a couple of days

Interestingly, Florida just passed laws that strongly favor the insurance companies in regards to paying out insurance claims. One of the big changes is lawyer’s fees are no longer able to be recovered in the event you have to sue your own insurance company. This means they can get away with dragging out payment, or

Definitely used it on Jeeps, too.

Because it’s hard to earn/beg/steal enough money to live in the middle of nowhere.

You can get a nice BMW e46 convertible for that price.

Wouldn’t it’s main competitor be a 318i? A 5 is more comparable to E-class.

Basically the same reason why restaurants are crowded at meal times, virtually empty mid afternoon. People need spaces around the same time at the same locations because many people have a similar schedule, for example most people shop after they leave work.  Many people get off work at the same time.  Therefore,

How about we just stop taking advice in general from celebrities in general.

Their trimmer, edger and bush cutter all work great for me.

I just bought a gov surplus zero turn mower and it’s chopped mowing time by about 66%

Just install a manual valve in the fuel line and every time you run the mower you turn off the manual fuel valve and let the engine start of fuel, which leaves you an empty carb.

EGO makes a backpack electric blower that holds a huge battery. That being said, my handheld blower depletes the battery the fastest of any of my electric lawn devices. However, I have 2 batteries and I can weed wack, edge and blow off my hard surfaces with one charge on both.

In my state, NC, it’s tied to the fuel price over the past 6 months.  It’s the federal rate that hasn’t increased in a long time.

Why should people who have heavy vehicles, but drive them less frequently than a daily driver, have to pay the same.  That’s the great thing about the gas tax, it kinda equalizes everything (efficiency and actual use of the roads.)

Because that would penalize people who have heavy vehicles, but use them less frequently.  For instance I have a hybrid car and a pickup truck.  I already pay more in yearly registration for the truck (3x what the car costs) but I only really drive it when I need to.

Think of the drama of racing down Lower Wacker Drive though!

I think it already is lifted a bit, the rear wheel isn’t centered in the wheel well.

They were cool as a pickup vehicle from school back in the mid 70s.

Strangely enough, the exact same thing happened in a town near me in NC.
